You think about what word you should start your first blog with since the first impression is everything. I was thinking about it too. I was going to say "Well, this is my first..." Which starts me talking to the world with the word "Well". That is not necessarily a bad thing. Ronald Reagan was known to say "Well" from time to time. It would not hurt my feelings to be mentioned in the same sentace as President Reagan. However, that is not what I am looking for. I do not want to be compared to President Reagan, nor President Lincoln. I would like to be compared with no one but myself. As such, it is important for me to get across from the begining who I am, and what I am about.
If I just start off, you will not know who I am or why I do certain things. Over time you will learn more about me, but you will be lost early on. That is not a good way to do business. At the same time I don't want to bored someone with the typicall 411 stuff.
I don't think I will tell everyone, everything. I think there are some things you will have to learn on your own, and you will have to put two and two together from time to time to figure out some things. I will treat my blog like my real life. I will not tell people things on here that I don't tell them in real life. Will I be more open with my personal thoughts? Heck yeah. That is what this is all about. Who cares that I wake up and go to work each day? No one. What I care about is what made the day special. What it was that I got out of the day. I traded a day of my life for today, and I need to make sure it was worth it. To you, I want you to be put into my shoes and see what I see, feel what I feel and think what I think.
If I am able to accomplish that, then I feel good. Only time will tell how things go.
This is Scotty, have a good day.
There is a first for everything.
Life or something like it.
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