Berg decapitated on video
I worked on my project for my C# class. It was a long one but I was able to complete it. I got it turned into the teacher by e-mailing it to her. I played some ping pong and lost. I also went to the store and picked up some new spikes for my cleats, I got a new belt because my broke the other day, and I got some new baseball socks. I am ready for the tournament.
I went to the C# class and we worked on some more concepts. Then when I got home Jon was there and we talked a little bit about the C# class and some of the things that I have been doing. I took Amber outside and threw the ball for her a little bit before retiring for bed.
On the forums someone posted a question about the Berg decapitation. Here is what I said:
Because you asked I will say... I was reading the forum on There were a ton of people talking about the war and how we need to leave... etc.
First off the war is justified and needed to be accomplished. So I will not argue that we need to get out of there.
Berg is not the first innocent person to be captured and tortured by terrorists. It has been happening for years. This is one time where the footage of it is caught. There is also a video I have were another guy is decapitated with a large knife. It was a lot more graphic than this because it was clear footage. You could see his pain on his face, listen to his pain, and at the end when he head was almost all the way off you could hear him still breathing through what was left of his neck. It was loud and sounded horrible. This is sad to see happen to anyone. It does not matter if the person is an American or not.
Who would not be outraged by an innocent bystander killed by a group of people for a "political" reason? It had nothing to do with politics. It had everything to do with those people being wacked.
Here are some questions that I have. Why was he detained and put into jail. I would assume that not everyone who goes through a check-point is detained like he was. What did he do or what did he have that would make him attractive to the check-point guards to detain him.
He account information from the U of Oklahoma was found on the "twentith terrorist" for the September 11th attacks. I am not claiming any direct relationship to him and the terrorists. Remember the whole idea of six degrees of separation. It could be as simple as that, but I am interested to know more about that.
What pissed me off was his dad getting on the TV and broadcast coast to coast saying that it was as much our fault as it was the people who did it. He actually said they the people who did it *may* be as back as Bush and Rumsfeld. Ummm.. What!?!?! The people who cover their faces, kidnap regular citizens, and then decapitate them on video *may* be as bad as Bush and Rumsfled??? Come on! He is using this opportunity to camera time to turn this into a political attack on the American President.
The only thing that I can point to as America being at fault for this would again be the six degrees of separation. We fought a war. We ousted the leader of another county. We allowed civilians to enter said country for the purposes of making money. He entered the county to make money. He was there only because what we did to clean up the area. He was a victim of opportunity. He would not be dead today if we had not ousted Sadam because he would have never been there.
If you are going to make those leaps, then I think we can also say it was capitalism that killed him, because he was there for one reason. To make money. If he was not a capitalist he would have not been there to make money and he would not be dead.
The bottom line is his dead was horrible, but not as bad as other people have been killed by terrorists. Could you imagine being in a large building and having a huge plane crash into it, being killed by burning alive?
Terrorists and people who harbor them are worthless scum. Their tactics of operation are low and unjustified. If they don't like what Bush is doing, or what Clinton did, or what Reagan did, then they should take it out on them and not the people who happen to live in America.
Think about this, that guy was killed, not because of what he stood for, but because in the whole world, where there is soil, he was born in the area that setup imaginary boundaries and called it America. There are invisible lines in the dirt and he was born on the wrong side of the line. That was his real crime in their eyes. They don't make distinctions on what you believe in or who you are, they only killed him because of where he was born.
The terrorists on September eleventh killed American civilians because of where they were born or where they live. It is not like they crashed a plane full of soldiers into an army base. Terrorists are going about the whole thing wrong, they are fighting the wrong people. I would bet that many of the people they killed protested the fact that we fought the first Iraqi war, and they would have protested this second war. They killed people that would have wanted the same thing that those terrorists want.
Think about the mentality of someone who is willing to strap a bomb to himself and detonate it. He knows he will die. He knows he will take the life of women, children, and innocent men who are just at the wrong place at the wrong time. These people have something screwed up in the head. I do not draw a distinction between them and the people like Harris and Klebold who shot up their high school in Colorado. They are terrorists who are killing the wrong people.
But I digress... does it suck that Berg was killed? Yes! Does it suck that terrorists kill hundreds of innocent people every year? Yes!
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