Gay marriage
I have been on a message board called G-Shack. It is pretty cool. I have been doing a lot of posts with a guy names Alex (Darkndsoul). He is from Canada. He is pretty nice. We have posted hundreds of messages back and forth. One of the subjects is gay marriage and whether it should be legal or not. I say no. He is for it. He said he has no problem with gay people and thinks that they should be able to marry if they want to. Several people posted things about being gay is not a choice. I said it is. I also say being a bisexual is a phase that gay people go through. I told them I would write something about that. Here is what I wrote:
In order to fully respond to the reason why bisexuality is something that is a phase and not a stopping point would take a lot more than just a few sentences to explain. I will do my best...
First off there are some issues that I will like to talk about. As has been pointed out time and time again, guys are attacked to the idea of two women going at it. The case of women being attracted to two guys going at it is at best luke warm. From most women I have heard from it is not well received at all. Men are totally turned off by the idea of two men going at it with each other.
So the issue of men and women and their sexuality have a clear distinction. For women, the need to hide it is not a big push by society. In fact you could say it is celebrated and therefore not something that needs to be hidden and that people need to be afraid.
A man needs to battle many issues. First that his sexual choices repulse both straight men and women. He has also been taught that being gay is very abnormal. Something that no man should participate in.
When a man starts to realize there is something different about him and starts to realize that he is attracted to other men, he is repulsed by the idea. He will probably have girlfriends. He will do the straight life. He will make gay jokes. He will try to be the total opposite of being gay.
But as the feelings well up and he cannot take it anymore, he will explore those thoughts. He will be "bi-curious". In his own mind he loves women, but he is curious about being with a man. The only reason he is curious is because he is gay. He just doesn't want to admit it to himself. In fact how can he be gay? He is repulsed by the idea of gays going at it, and heck he even has a girlfriend.
So he explores ever so slightly the idea of being with a gay man. He will experiment. As soon as the encounters are over he will feel horrible. He will quickly realize that he really isn't gay, he really is straight. Heck he has a girlfriend, how can he be gay? He loves his girlfriend. But the love is not in question. You can love people of the opposite sex, but the question is about the deep attraction. Sure a gay man can point out the hottest chick in the room, but that does not mean he is straight. Anyone can point out beauty.
Well time goes on, and he again explores those odd feelings. Soon he starts to feel more comfortable with those feelings. He is willing to say he is bi. Only because he has not totally taken away the idea that part of his is still straight and that he is still normal.
The more time he spends getting more comfortable with himself with being a gay male and the more comfortable he is in the community, the close to gay he gets. He starts to drift more and more away from being straight. He starts to drift more and more from his girlfriend. It won't be long that he will no longer have a girlfriend. He may even get a boyfriend, but that does not mean he has totally accepted the fact he is gay, it just means he is getting closer.
Some people may only spend a few months being a "bi" male, some others may spend years, but the fact remains that he is still gay, and just not comfortable saying to other people that he is gay.
Just so there is an understanding a gay male can still pick up chicks and have sex. After all they are still men and love to get off, but the sex they have with a woman is no more than a mutual masturbation session. They only truth is that the man only feels the buzz in his heart when he is with the man he loves and that is why he is gay.
Now that I have said that, let me say this. It would seem that my argument would be claiming that gay people are born that way. I want to make it clear they are not.
What makes a person gay is the gay community itself. The gay person knows something is different about himself. He explores and tries to find out what it is. He is told it is because he is gay. That is why he feels the way he does. He does not believe it at first. How in the heck can he be gay? But the gay people tell him all these things. He starts to believe those things he is told. He starts down the pathway described above. He gets to a point where he has been told by so many other gay people that being gay is the way that he was made. He truly believes it. He does not try to fight the feelings nor does he try to change them. He conforms with the rest of the community and gets sucked in. When someone finally comes along and tells him that he could change if he wanted to, be has been programmed to be offended. So he will get mad at that person and dismiss what the person had to say. He will label the person a homophobe. The gay person has shut himself off to listening to any other explanation because he has been brainwashed by the other gay people.
That is why being gay is a "choice". Gays do not feel they can change because they were told they can't. They are fed all sorts of stuff that is not true and that is why people say a gay man can change. I admit, he can not just change channels and be straight. He has to unlearn all the lies he has been fed for years prior, but with work he can change.
That is not why I am against marriage. I think that is gay people want a civil union they can create their own system and not steal the one the straight people have. The legal benefits that marriage brings can be changed in the congress to extend to those with the gay civil unions, but they don't need to take marriage from the straight people.
Someone responded and said I seem to know a lot about what someone goes through and suggested that I may be gay.
I had my C# class tonight. I was sitting in class thinking about what if someone hit my truck. I would have to look around in the parking lot on Thursday and Tuesday if they had not left a note.
After class I was walking to the lobby and I heard the guy who works there say something about someone hitting a black truck. My truck is navy blue, and in the dark it could look black. I was hoping he was not talking about me. I got outside and someone was waiting there and said "is that your truck?" She pointed in the direction of my truck. There were no other trucks parked in the area. I said it was mine. So I did get hit. There was a large dent in the door. So, I will have to get that fixed now. I was not mad. It was an accident and the person waited for me. I thought that was cool.
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