Sunday, July 18, 2004

Last day of regular season co-ed softball

I got woken up by a phone call but no one was there.  So I went back to sleep.  I was so hot through out the night I could not sleep at all.  I tossed and turned all night long.  Finally, near the time I had to get up I was able to get some sleep.  That is how it always works.

I got up at about eleven am and got my truck ready to go.  I got some food and gas and headed out.  I was on the road at about noon.  I got home just before four pm.  I was making good time on the road even with a car accident that slowed traffic for about two miles.

I sat around the house and relaxed before getting ready to head to my softball game.  The game was at five-thirty, so I headed out about four-forty-five so I could be there by five.  I got to Ron Regis field and started to get ready.  It was so humid it was uncomfortable.  I started the first game and pitched the whole thing.  Then I did the line up in game two and I sat on the bench until the fifth inning.  I pitched two innings.  My hitting was ON FIRE.

I went three for three in the first game and 1 for 2 (I had a deep hit and the outfielder had a long run to get to it, and it hit off the outfielders mitt and it was dropped, so that is a Reach on Error).  I also had a walk.  I was onbase six for six in the two games.  We lost both games, but they were really close.

After the game I went home.  I had to get up early to take the parents to the airport, but dinner was not done until after nine pm.  So I got to bed later than I had wanted.


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