Brian will leave us.
I got word today that Brian will be leaving us at NetUpdate. I am upset that he is going because that will leave us short handed and without someone who knows the product. I am worried about getting the coding done. Jon said he could help me with stuff.
I was in a little bit of a bad mood today. I am not sure why. Actually it was not a bad mood so to speak. It was a mood that I cannot explain. I was mad, sad, anxious, and a few other emotions rolled into one. All day I have not been able to concentrate on anything.
I talked with Matt (Tenorman) for a while. He said him and his dad were going to do something fun. Then I told him about my dad dying. I also e-mailed Mark. I found out that Garrett will be going to St. Maries. This will probably be my last chance to talk to him. I will make sure I do that. I have been wanting to talk to him for more than an year. I have some blog entries from last summer dealing with Garrett.
I got home and things did not get better. I argued with Bill a little bit about dumb stuff. I am still sort of messed up today. I still cannot keep on track with anything. I need to work on applying for that other job at WSU. It sound like it will be about a five thousand dollar paycut, but I am willing to do that to get to WSU. I just have to get an application packet put together. I do not have the mindset to do that today.
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