Monday, March 14, 2005

Traveling home with Travis.

This morning when my alarm clock started to sound at five-thirty in the morning I was able to get up and I did not seem to be tired. I got my truck loaded and I was under way. I stopped at Rosauers for breakfast and pop and then to get some gas. The trip over was pretty quick. Very few cars were getting in my way so I was able to cruise without many problems.

I got to work and we had a meeting. We talked about getting out the door now. SR-Two was deployed this weekend and is working so we can start to work on new things. I am still working on the project from last week... and the week before. I hope to get it done soon.

I went back to my desk and I was doing other things so I never really got started on getting the stuff worked on today. We were told we should leave early, but I still go out the door at five pm. On the way home I was listening to Travis Fox fill in for John Carlson. I talked to Travis on the air. Then I went into the house. We had steak for dinner and Bill's dad came over. After dinner I worked on a new product entry for Joe's website. I still have to make a few other pages, but this is was big one to get out of the way.

The rest of the evening I spent just watching TV and chatting on the computer.


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