Saturday, October 15, 2005

Rip out my heart... and feed it to me

With Cougar Football upon us I was excited to say the least. I was going to be working in the fieldhouse for three hours before the game then I was going to be watching the Cougs beat up on UCLA. I met up with Brian at the Deuce. We took Utility down to station one for the BBQ and to get equipment. When we got there Heston told us there was a change in plans. We were going to be assigned to the booking room for the whole game. So that means I am thirty feet from the field and cannot see the game. I was not happy about that.

We got served some hamburgers and other trimmings. Then it was time to go to the fieldhouse. When we got there we mainly hung out and walked around. We talked with Rod, the fire inspector, who works for WSU. At one point I saw Copes there. It was nice to see him. He came over and shook our hands and talked about his latest news.

Close to game time Brian and I went to the Booking Room and took our positions. For being at the stadium and not being able to watch the game, at least it was entertaining in the booking room.

We had a lot of drunk people coming in. A couple of them needed to be checked out by us for possible detox. One person was sent to the hospital. One guy would not cooperate with the cops so they took him to jail in Colfax. He was dumb for that.

One of the cops in the booking room had a Coke. Someone was brought in late in the game with a Coke with rum in it. They were both on the desk and the cop accidently drank out of the wrong one and got a surprise. The rest of the night we spent making jokes about the cop drinking on the job. It was pretty funny.

I watched the game on the TV in the room we were in. The Cougs were gaining a huge lead over UCLA through out the game. I was able to get out and watch a couple plays live. But I had to stay near the booking room the whole time.

Then the Cougs let UCLA back into the game only to go to overtime and lose the game. It was another case of Couging it. It was very bitter to say the least.

After the game we had to go back to the field house for the post game dinner. As Pete Bar and Grill was cleaning everything up they gave us a meal. That was very nice to get. It was good. Meat and potatoes.

I was on call and it was pretty tame over all. There were not really many calls and I got some pretty decent sleep.


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