Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Looking into Willies Eyes... Again

After waiting for several months after I wanted to get brakes I finally got them done today. One would wonder why I would wait for several months after needing them. There in lies, The Rest of the Story.

A quotation from Freaky Friday - When Scotty Met Willie
Willie, came over and was jacking up the truck. He was kneeling down and operating the floor jack... When he started to talk he looked up at me. I was looking down at him, and then his eyes caught my attention. The way the light was in the building, it made his eyes look the deepest, most awesome blue I have ever seen. From that point on I could not help but to stare into his eyes. They were amazing. My friend Russell was thinking the same thing. He was a good looking guy, but who would have known since all you can see are his awesome eyes.

Knowing that I can tell you this: I waited for Willie. If you had read the whole story about the boat trailer tire going bad and having no money you would know I got a credit account through Les Schwab in Clarkston. What is interesting is that the account is based out of Clarkston, so if I want to use it at a different Les Schwab I have to get permission from the Clarkston branch.

I knew I needed brakes and I wanted to go to Clarkston to see Willies eyes again. Who hasn't returned to a place with someone who is a ten-six-seven, just to see that person again? But where I go above and beyond is that I called Les Schwab looking to see if Willie still worked there. After all it had been three years since I was last there. I call in January. I was told he had been laid off until February. So I figured I would have to wait on the brakes.

Finally, February came and I procrastinated on calling down there. I decided I better get it done. So I called down and made an appointment to take my truck in. In general I have noticed at every Les Schwab there is usually about three or four ten-six-seven's working at any given time. I went down there hoping and waiting to see Willie. Finally, he walked in. I tried to look without being noticed. I think I did a good job at doing in.

Then at one point I had my chance. I forgot to tell them to rotate my tires. I went to the counter where Willie was and took my time making it up there just to basket in the glow coming from Willie's eyes. I asked him if I could also get my tires rotated while I was there. He said it would be no problem.

After waiting a couple years to have a reason to go back, I went there and Willie was still there. Lucky me. Too bad Russell couldn't have come down too.

So I planned on going to Ryan's to watch South Park because they were doing something on the Family Guy. I thought that would be fun to see. But as it was getting close to that time I wanted to work the jail for a few reasons. One was because of the suicide last night. One was because I wanted to be in Colfax before it got late because I am pretty tired.

I called Ryan and asked him to record the shows for me and I took the time to go to Colfax. I got some dinner from Rosauers and went to work. It was a pretty slow night. I helped do a round or two. I also cleared a bunch of expired warrants. The rest of the time was spent hanging out in Control or over at the fire station. I stopped in there to talk to Carl.

I also got a fire lit under me the last couple days to start to record and edit some videos. I have been getting Family Memories recorded. I am planning on putting it on a DVD for viewing later.


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