First On Scene.
I am covering for Reed at the fire department tonight. I went to the station after getting some work done. Dearth, Tadema, and I went to station one for Death to do his class. Tadema and I took the Rescue to get some gas. We stopped at Cougar Country for me to get dinner. While there we got a call for a car accident. We took off and were first on scene. I did my scene size up and took command. We ended up transporting the person in the wreck.
We went back to the station and I was able to eat my food and it was still pretty warm. We waited around for Dearth to finish his class part. Then Heston taught stuff on driving safety as part of the firefighter safety stand-down day.
Following the training I went to Davolts for some poker action. I was not doing too great. The game was doing the normal breakdown later in the evening. There were four of us there when we switched to Omaha. I had a K-J-Five-Three, the K-Three were suited. I called. The board was Kh-Jh-Jd. I has a nice full house. I bet twenty cents. I was raise. I re-raised all-in. I was called. We flipped our cards I was up against someone with trip-tens and the Ah. So he had a one-card out. He had to have the Qh to hit and give him the Royal-Flush. The turn was the Queen of Hearts. Everyone yelled. I could only smile. I got beat hard-core by the best possible hand. It is so rare to see it was fun to be part of the whole thing.
We broke up the game on that note and I headed to the office to get some work done before going to bed for the evening.
We went back to the station and I was able to eat my food and it was still pretty warm. We waited around for Dearth to finish his class part. Then Heston taught stuff on driving safety as part of the firefighter safety stand-down day.
Following the training I went to Davolts for some poker action. I was not doing too great. The game was doing the normal breakdown later in the evening. There were four of us there when we switched to Omaha. I had a K-J-Five-Three, the K-Three were suited. I called. The board was Kh-Jh-Jd. I has a nice full house. I bet twenty cents. I was raise. I re-raised all-in. I was called. We flipped our cards I was up against someone with trip-tens and the Ah. So he had a one-card out. He had to have the Qh to hit and give him the Royal-Flush. The turn was the Queen of Hearts. Everyone yelled. I could only smile. I got beat hard-core by the best possible hand. It is so rare to see it was fun to be part of the whole thing.
We broke up the game on that note and I headed to the office to get some work done before going to bed for the evening.
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