Over Critical
Something I feel like Chuck is over-critical in things he says or does as a crew leader. It feels like if you don't do something exactly how he does it he was admonish your decision even if there is no real difference in the outcome of the action. In some cases it is more like being a micro-manager. He directs people who have been doing this job successfully for years to do things different or to do it his way. That is my rant for the day.
Case in point on the way to a call today we had to get to Colorado. The quickest route to where we were going was Monroe to Ruby to Colorado. Just after I turn on to Colorado he says "How come you went that way?" So rather than focusing on driving, parking, and getting into the scene, I am being questioned about my choice of roads. I didn't know what he meant. I was thinking he thought I should use Howard and Garfield street to get there.
So after the call is done I ask him what he meant. He thought I should have taken Monroe to Colorado because Ruby is not a "major" road. I sort of chuckle inside because neither is Monroe. I said because Ruby was shorter than going all the way to Colorado from Monroe.
He concern was that if school was in session and it was a weekend there could have been extra foot traffic on Ruby. I then added I wasn't going code and there were no issues with the way I went. But the bottom line is that kind of thing could have been discussed after the call, not while we are pulling up on the scene.
Now, I am really done with the rant.
I went to Mike's today and we played some cards. We only got to play for a while before I got a call for a fire alarm, the one on Colorado that I spoke about above. Following the call I decided to go to the office, because I knew the poker game broke up when I left.
I was on the computer looking stuff up for a while. But it was getting late and I decided to go to bed. I wasn't totally asleep when we got called out to another fire alarm. That one we went to the scene and just sat there for a while until we were cleared. That was about all that went on for calls. We did have the medical call around seven in the evening. But that really did not turn out to be much for me other than driving.
Case in point on the way to a call today we had to get to Colorado. The quickest route to where we were going was Monroe to Ruby to Colorado. Just after I turn on to Colorado he says "How come you went that way?" So rather than focusing on driving, parking, and getting into the scene, I am being questioned about my choice of roads. I didn't know what he meant. I was thinking he thought I should use Howard and Garfield street to get there.
So after the call is done I ask him what he meant. He thought I should have taken Monroe to Colorado because Ruby is not a "major" road. I sort of chuckle inside because neither is Monroe. I said because Ruby was shorter than going all the way to Colorado from Monroe.
He concern was that if school was in session and it was a weekend there could have been extra foot traffic on Ruby. I then added I wasn't going code and there were no issues with the way I went. But the bottom line is that kind of thing could have been discussed after the call, not while we are pulling up on the scene.
Now, I am really done with the rant.
I went to Mike's today and we played some cards. We only got to play for a while before I got a call for a fire alarm, the one on Colorado that I spoke about above. Following the call I decided to go to the office, because I knew the poker game broke up when I left.
I was on the computer looking stuff up for a while. But it was getting late and I decided to go to bed. I wasn't totally asleep when we got called out to another fire alarm. That one we went to the scene and just sat there for a while until we were cleared. That was about all that went on for calls. We did have the medical call around seven in the evening. But that really did not turn out to be much for me other than driving.
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