Thursday, October 23, 2008

Evidence Collecting

I tried to get going on stuff from work, but the server was down that I needed so I was unable to get anything going, that was very bad. I wasn't to get a jump on what I needed to get done with the spec.

I had to get down to Colfax early for the Coroner's meeting. We were meeting at four o'clock, but I got a call from Pete moving it back to five. That was okay by me. I got my uniform on and headed down to Colfax. The meeting went well.

I was able to ask Pete about a person who died that I had dealt with on an EMS call. I wanted to understand what happened in that situation, because the person didn't seem too bad off when I saw them.

Then it was off to the academy class. We started with a run. Today we did about a mile and a half plus all the push ups along the way. We also ended up having to do eighty sit ups after the run was done. So we had a pretty good workout.

The class was on evidence packaging. Everyone was given an item and materials in order to package and label evidence correctly.

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