Holy Cow Batman, Softball is a hitters game.
What kind of fun could I find myself in today? Plenty. First off I our B league championship softball game was to be played at 8:30 and should be lose follow it up with a 9:45 game. But I had to make it through the day before that would happen.
I have this guy who is having a huge problem with his computer when it comes to Microsoft Office applications. They will throw off errors randomly. Sometimes he can go 30 minutes without one, then he will get no stop errors. I have tried Office Updates. I tried to reinstall Office on top of the old one. I tried uninstalling the old and installing it fresh. I have been unable to make the error messages stop. So I got the computer and I plan on reimaging that computer with an old image. It seems that it is better. I also downloaded service pack 4 for Windows 2000.
The Colfax Fire Department had its picnic last night starting at 6 pm. I got there about 5:45 and hung out with everyone. Once the burgers were done I grabbed one and was on my way to Pullman for softball.
I picked up Garrett at his apartment and we headed to My Office to meet up with the others from the team who were down there. I told them about his weekend with Courtney, and everyone was having a good time with that. At game time, Jason Romanik won the toss and we took home. I was pitching and for some reason the Tax Dodgers will not swing the bat in softball! How annoying is that. They will watch good, hittable pitches go by and take a walk. I guess they don't think they can beat us, since our defense is so solid. After the first inning I got in a good pitching groove. I was throwing strike after strike. Then in one late inning I lost something, and I could not hit the tube. The umpire also was not helping with his ultra tight strike zone. So, these guys took a few walks, and low and behold when I got some pitches across the plate, and they were put into play, one of our guys would make en error. I think we make about 5 or 6 errors on the night. Not normal for us.
The lightening and thunder were rolling across the sky as the game was coming to a close. We knew we would not get our second game in. That is a good thing, we may get a different umpire for the next game. That would be a good thing for me, as I have never really been able to work with John's strike zone.
Afterwards we went to My Office and drank most of the evening, actually into the night. It was about 1 am when we finally left the bar and headed home. I took Garrett home, and we were talking about him and Courtney, and then I mentioned one of the girls from our softball team, and how at Brush Prairie he found out that she had a girlfriend. He was surprised. He said he is totally cool with that, and does not have a problem with it. Then we talked about having a gay guy on the IM softball team and how a few players seemed to have strong antigay views. I told him I was worried about team chemistry should that information become more open. He wanted to know who it was. I told him I could not say. I said, just pay attention, you will figure it out. He asked if it was David. I laughed and said that I could not say.
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