Wednesday, September 17, 2003

First Coroner's case on my own

Monday morning rolled around. I got into work, and at about twelve thirty pm I heard on the scanner someone call for Paul Sixty-Four. That is the number of the Coroner. About fifteen minutes later I got a call from Pete asking if I could take this case. I was a little surprised to have him want me to work the thing on the scene by myself. This is only the third death I have been involved with and the first where family is on scene. So, I was nervous, for sure. I got to the scene and Colfax PD and the Whitman County Sheriff's Chaplain were on scene. I got information from them, and then from the family. The funeral home people showed up. I did all the things I needed to do. Inspect the body for wounds and other signs of foul play. I also look at it to get an idea of time of death. I check for other evidence that could help determine what cause the death of the person. The funeral people took the body when I was done getting the information I needed.

I headed back to work. At three o'clock pm I was off to WSU for Accounting 230. We have homework due on Wednesday. I need to work on it. I also forgot to rewrite my notes so I am a day behind. After class, I was hoping to go to training; however Pete called me to meet him at the funeral home. We were going to go over the body again, and he was going to make sure I did not miss anything and make sure all my findings were good.

He was impressed with me, he said I found what I needed to. I could tell as he was doing his body examination that I could have done a few things better, but I am new and learning. After that we went to Arby's for dinner and I went home and to bed.