One shot, one kill
Monday morning is one I don't mind because I know I have class which makes for a shortened work day. I did a few things that needed to get done, and then I went to class. It was so tired I was falling asleep today. Following class I went to the fire station to find out what training was. I found out it was on Thursday for me. So, I went to Colfax. I watched Monday Night Football. I watch the Colts kill my Fantasy TB Defense. I lost this week due to that! Then Carl and I watched CSI: Miami.
I went home and watched the Family Guy. I was then off to bed. During the night I had a dream. It was unlike dreams I have had before. I was in a shoot/don't shoot situation. That is normal. But what was weird was the fact the gun actually shot. Normally I pull the trigger and it is all the way back and still has not shot. I pull harder and harder and finally the bullet come tumbling out and falls to the ground, or hits the person and does nothing. The bullets velocity in the dream is directly proportional to the speed at which I pull the trigger. In the case of my dreams the trigger has no travel room left so when it does click it just barely comes out. The other thing is the dream always deals with a gun I own. One time it was my mom's gun.
In the dream I had it actually shot the person. I had my Glock Model 22. One shot, one kill so to speak. Directly in the heart. At one point the person who I shot was Chong from Cheech and Chong fame. They were fighting and he was the bad guy. So I shot him. Then at one point I am in my room and Chong is dead but someone used a blanket from my bed to cover him up. I was mad because it was going to get blood on my blanket. Soon I was thinking in coroner mode and was upset someone contaminated the crime scene by cover the body of the dead guy. Finally it shifts again, and someone notices Chong is still alive. Which was interesting because on CSI: Miami, the victim who was thought to be dead was alive.
I will find my writings about my dream sequences and when and how they started.
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