Looking in to the eyes of a killer.
Have you ever looked directly in the eyes of a killer? Have you wondered what was going through his mind when he chose to commit his act? Then look at the same person who is only twenty-seven years of age and realize that the perfectly healthy man will be executed. Look at a man who would be considered handsome. A square jaw, well formed and proportioned lips, eyes that are manly yet not ice cold.
Looking this man directly in his eyes and think about the fact for a few minutes he was a living breathing human and then sending him into a gas chamber where cyanide is dropped into acid to form a deadly gas. To breathe this gas must have been painful, but not painful for long. To have the life violently ripped from him. To see if he walks to the gas chamber and does it like a man or if he goes crying like a sissy.
Does he take responsibility for his actions and is will to accept the consequence. You look into this man's eyes and you see that he did. You see that it is a tragic life cut short. You see that he could have been something. You see that he could have lived many years beyond his twenties.
Instead you look at him and find it is hard to get past his handsomeness, past his youth, past all that and realize this man was a dirtbag. Executing him helped society. He was a thief. I hate a thief. He was also a murder. killing someone by shooting an unarmed man.
The only thing I wonder about is if I were able to go back in time and talk to this guy what he would have to say. What he would sound like. Is he as big of a monster that his crimes make him out to be? On October Second in nineteen and Thirty Five he was dead. He breathed his last breath. His soul was torn from his body.
Look for yourself and see if you think that Roland Cochran was ready to die.
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