Little man disease.
I got the computer for my boss ready to install. I got a few other computer issues around the county taken care of. I also helped a few computer users with Excel spreadsheets.
After work I headed home for dinner then to the fire station for training. We were working on the new rescue rig. We were playing with the Hurst tool, the lighting system and the foam system. We spent about two hours total with the training. We working with the foam system I was draining out a hose that had some water in it. It as a ten foot section of hose that is used to drain extra air pressure and water from the system. I was getting the final little bit of water out of it when Greg pointed the hose at me. Water started spraying out of it and it got me all wet. Everyone was laughing about it. He said he heard me say "turn on the water". He thought I was trying to get him. I said, let me drain the rest of the water from the hose. I said that I did not know how he got "turn on the water" out of what I said. Everyone laughed some more.
I went home and I watched some TV. There was a show on called "High School Reunion". It had people from the class of Ninety-Three. They had them labeled from what they were in high school. There was "the jock", "the redneck", "the nerd", and others. One guy showed up all flaming out. He was gay and in high school no one knew, but he wanted to make sure everyone knew now. He had an umbrella that a woman would carry. He had pants on that was nothing more than netting. He looked like a fag. He was being in-your-face gay. The "redneck" did not like that. He said something about it. Then they would interview the gay guy. He was a big guy. He looked like he was pretty strong. He also looked like he had a huge chip on his shoulder. He reminded me of a guy with "little-man" disease. He would strut around and he was trying to pick a fight with the redneck. The redneck guy was just trying to avoid the gay guy, but the gay guy was being in-your-face with him. He was trying to be confrontation. If his goal was to have acceptance, he was failing. I don't have respect for people like that. The redneck and the gay guy were supposed to be roommates. The redneck moved out. People were giving him a hard time over that. I was on the side of the redneck. He does not like it when gay people are in-your-face. I would not have liked the way the gay guy was acting.
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