Softball tournament day two.
I shouldn't have stayed up and watch TV. I was so tired this morning. I had a hard time getting up and going. It was going to be a long day. I finally did crawl out of bed and got moving. I went and picked up Ryan.
We headed off to Uniontown to play our first game. We only had eight guys show up. The other team had nine. John and I switched off pitching and catching. Our bats were alive. We only had three infielders and three outfielders. We ended up winning twenty-seven to eight. It was pretty lopsided. They team we played had two ten-six-seven's on the team. After that game we went to McDonald's and ate breakfast. I found a replacement for me. We had ten guys who were going to make it to the game. I called John G. and he said he would play.
I left to Colfax and got my stuff and headed to Seattle. I had a softball game with the Maulers. I was worried about making it on time because I was getting a later start than I wanted. It turned out I made it with about fifteen minutes to spare. That was nice. I pitched one inning and was EH for the rest of the game. I found out that I was the player of the week for last week. We got our butts kicked. A guy named Nick was going to say hi to me after the game but he was not there. I am glad about that, because I had a hard time pitching and I did not hit well. It was a bad game for me.
My two co-ed games were cancelled because of the field conditions. So I went to Tacoma to deliver Rob's stuff. I helped him unload the truck and then I took off. I got home and rested for a little while. My mom was cooking dinner. Dinner was good. I chatted online for a while before I finally went to bed. I was very tired because it was a long weekend and I did not get much sleep.
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