Back at the job
After a short three day weekend I was back at work. It turns out the tabled issue with reissuing credit was untabled. So I am working on that again. I got into the office and my computer had a blue screen that said it was performing a physical memory dump. My computer was dead. Turns out it appears to have been a problem with the motherboard. I had my hard driver changed out with a different computer and I was off to the races.
I went to lunch with a few people from work. We went to the Crossroads Mall and to the food court there. I will probably make my way there again for a meal. I downloaded my photos from boating on the fourth of July. I had a picture of Chris with the orange flag. He was standing in such a way and his look on his face made him look gay. So I changed the orange flag to a rainbow flag. I e-mailed it to him. He responded saying he really liked it. I left a little after five-thirty to head home.
I got home and played with Amber for a while. I watched some TV shows including Jeopardy. Ken Jennings is still kicking butt. He is up to twenty-five wins. The answer to final Jeopardy today was Captain Cook. What was funny was on Paul Harvey's the Rest of the Story it was partly about Captain Cook. With the clue from Jeopardy I figured the answer was Captain Cook. I was right. How cool is that?
I chatted with Zach for a while online. He was in Spokane from Alaska. We were not able to meet up to say hi or anything. I was hoping he could have come to a softball tournament because we really needed some more guys. Zach is a very cool guy. AJ hit me up as well as he was on his way out the door. It is in the Netherlands. That is nine hours ahead of me in the Pacific Time Zone.
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