Jokingly and seriously telling people things.
This is something that took place a long time ago, but I wanted to talk about it. Back in ninety-nine I was hanging out with a guy named Gabe and his roommate, Dave. Both are big ten-six-sevens. Gabe is actually the guy who taught me that term. But Gabe did not describe guys as a ten-six-seven -- only women.
The three of us were hanging out together and we decided to go to ValHalla to see the comedy show they had going on. We got there at about eleven pm. We just missed the show. So we sat at a table. I was sitting next to Gabe and across from Dave.
Quick tangent... Certain songs have meaning to me that is unlike what the real meaning of the song is. Certain songs are happening at a time when something big happens in my life. The song Fly Away has that meaning to me. It was big at that time. I really liked that song. During the first part of this story that is the song that was being blasted at the bar.
Back to the story. Gabe had gotten up to get some drinks. Dave and I were sitting there. He was looking at the women in the bar and saying he wished he was someone they would want. I raised an eyebrow and told him that was non-sense. I said that he is a good looking guy and if I were those women I would want to be with him.
He looked at me and said "Are you gay?" I quickly said "Yes." Normally during that time period I would then laugh it off and say I was kidding. This time however I quickly walked away from the table so I could not do that.
When I came back Gabe was there. I sat on the bar stool next to him. Dave must have talked to Gabe while I was gone. Because as soon as I sat down Gabe put his hand on my shoulder and rested his arm across my back. He said "You know Scotty, we are friends and this does not change anything, we are still friends."
I thought that was so cool! Gabe made me feel okay.
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