Deputy Coroners Meeting
I had my first scheduled deputy coroners meeting for the first time since moving to Seattle. I took Friday off of work to go over today. Before I hit the road I came in to work on the problem of not sending all the prices information with my project. I tried to use known good data to send it to one of the products that was not working. The only person who could tell me if it was working or not was at lunch. I sent an E-mail to her and then headed to lunch and the Colfax.
I rolled into Colfax around five PM. I went to the sheriff's office. I checked my E-mail and talked with the Chaplain. We talked a little about the newspaper articles about the car chase from last week. He also mentioned that it was almost one year to the day of his major injuries when he was hit by a car during a high speed chase. (
Pete, the coroner was in the office too. I talked to him. He asked me to pick up the pizza from Bulldog pizza about five minutes of six pm. I headed off to do that. I grabbed a couple pops and then came back to the coroners office which is located in the basement of the jail. We sat in the break room and ate the pizza while talking to the Sheriff. The Sheriff left and the other deputy coroner showed up. We chowed more on the pizza and chatted more. We made out the schedule for next month's coverage.
When we were done eating we went into the office and covered two recent cases. We looked at evidence and photographs. We went over the reports. We then discussed getting another bag to carry our extra equipment. I got another body bag, some needles, and aprons.
I went home and watched CSI. I had plans on doing some work at the jail and work around the yard so I wanted to get to sleep. I did stay up getting a lot of my junk mail sorted. I got the parts with personal information removed and set into a shred pile and the rest went into a garbage bag. I ended up filling nearly had a big black garbage bag with it.
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