Done with the first big one
It would appear that I am done with my first big project. I have it all coded. I made some tweaks to it. I also got the UI looking a lot closer to the rest of the OP site. I have it all checked into our source safe program. I met with Jon and Jim for lunch at the Three Pigs. At the end of the day I took off with no work in the pool for tomorrow.
I got a call from Ryan about a letter he received. It looks like he will have to go to court over the bogus assault forth charge. I feel bad for him but in many ways it is his fault for being lazy. I told him he needed to get out of there. I did what I could to help make it possible. He chose not to go. He knew how far his ex-roommate was willing to go. He should have known this was not far off.
We also got word the our playoff hopes in IM softball are all but over with. Ryan is going to try to do a few things, but it appears that we will lose out. That really sucks.
I stopped at Safeway on my way home to get my mom's prescription from there. When I got home I watched the M's play baseball and we ate dinner. I spent the rest of the evening working on the Gail Rowland for Senate website. I was setting up a place to gather data so people could donate money to her campaign online.
I also chatted with Kale and AJ a little bit off and on while I was trying to get my work done.
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