Monthly Coroner Meeting
Joe sent me the things I needed to get additional products added to the website. I spent most of my time gathering information to add to the website. I never got the data put into the system. I have a way to go with it. There is a fair amount of stuff to gather online and it is slow going. Then I have to put it into the E-Commerce website so it will be displayed.
At about noon a couple of us went to get teriyaki for lunch. It was nice and sunny so we ate outside. It was getting close to one and I wanted to get going. I planned on giving Joe the demo today before the coroner’s meeting. The trip over was pretty un-eventful. I pulled into town around five. I checked out the new vinyl floor that was installed in my house. I got my jail uniform on and shaved.
I went to the SO. Before I had a chance to talk with Joe I had to burn a CD with all the pics for the coroner’s cases I had. Pete wanted a copy of all of them. He said he wants to have the only copies of all coroner pictures for security reasons. Ron and Chris had some computer issues. I helped them as much as I could before the meeting started.
We ate some dinner and talked about getting a new computer and how we wanted to store the photos in the future. We started to go over some cases from the last week and talked about the murder and the latest on that. We filled the schedule for the rest of the month.
I headed into the jail and worked there for about four hours. I did a round and manned control a little bit. I talked to Sgt. Poffenroth about the job opportunity I had back in December. I went home a tiny bit after midnight and watched Family Guy before fading into la-la land.
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