First Softball Practice
I got a great amount of one of the pages completed at today. It is a pretty indepth page. I did it a different way than I have done in the past. It only uses one page instead of two or more pages. This will limit the number of pages I will have to maintain and update from time to time. But it also leaves it open to being harder to troubleshoot. So I guess there is a trade off.
After work I went to the Strike Zone in Seattle for practice. Only a few people showed up and it turned out we did not have reservations. That meant that we were not able to get in. So we cancelled practice and called it a day. Eric invited me over for a poker game coming up on Saturday. So I will be doing that this weekend.
I headed home and called up Gary. I asked if he wanted to play on the team. He is interested. I told him what we were looking for and what not. He is willing to come to practice and see what it is about. I did not tell him everything about the team yet. I figured I would tell him more the day of practice or not say anything at all.
I got home just in time for dinner. It was just getting finished when I got there. I ate dinner then went to my room to watch some TV for a little bit. One of my shows that I like to watch was not on tonight, so I watched other shows until CSI-New York came on.
After that was done I brushed Amber. Then headed to my room to go to bed. I am still tired when midnight rolls around. I use to be fine, but I think being sick and not getting much sleep over the last week has caught up with me.
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