EMT finals
I got started by going to the fire station. I was told people were already at the CTEC downtown in Colfax so I headed there. I talked with Carl and Jamie. I was told what I was going to be doing. I was going to be a patient who would go unconscious and then they group would have to start CPR. But we were short people so I ended up being a timer. I had to keep track of what the groups did and at what time they did those things.
We got through all the groups pretty quickly. Then we had some lunch that was there and did some make-ups for the groups that failed a scenario. I was the timer still. The groups were all done around two pm. I was given a check for the work that I did. It was nice to get paid. I was not expecting that, but I was paid for today and the extrication class from a few weeks ago.
I went to the fire station and hung out with Carl for a few hours. We watched TV and then a call came out for Albion fire. If it had been a real field fire and not a drive-by call we might have gone as well, but it turned out to be a control burn.
Around five pm Ryan called and we met up for dinner and a movie. We started by watching Third Watch and Ryan cooked some dinner for us. He did a good job cooking. He made some good food. We watched Third Watch until it was time for us to go to the movie.
We went to see the Jacket. It was an interesting movie. I would not call it a great movie but the ideas they had in the movie were pretty unique. The way he was able to fix things by going into the future and then telling people in the past what to do to make it so the future would be better.
We went back to Ryan’s place and finished watching Third Watch which did a cross over with Medical Investigations. When it was over with I headed home. I had softball practice in the morning and I was planning on going to Seattle so I wanted to be rested.
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