It's all about Joey.
I woke up to Amber coming in my room. Softly thereafter Russell called. We are heading to Seattle for the weekend. He is going to the Torchlight Parade for the kickoff of Seafair Weekend. He is in the Cougar Marching Band. I was heading over to see my Grandma. She was here from North Dakota. We got on the road at about 10 am. Amber was coming along for the ride. She was very good in the car. She is very quiet and just slept.
The drive was nice Russell and I spoke of many topics and issues. Including music tastes, band, college, homosexuality, and friendship with our mutual friends. He is more liberal and I am more conservative. So, we usually have decent conversations. We are both graduates in Philosophy, so we know how to debate properly.
When I got to my mom's house I got Amber out of the car. She came in and my mom was impressed with Amber. Amber is so well behaved. She did not cause problems. She was very active and happy. I took Amber outside, and we played with a tennis ball. She loves her tennis ball.
After awhile I went into the den to check my e-mail. There was an e-mail from Joey. Let me tell you about Joey. I met him in a Bar last Winter. A lot of us were there from Ron and Heather's pre-wedding party. Joey was joking around with someone who was at the party. I over heard what Joey was saying and started up a conversation. We were talking about some stuff, and then it turned to softball. I mentioned that I had a summer team and we are looking for some players. He said he is on a IM team. I told him that I have one. It turned out that we played against each other in IM's. I gave him my number and said to call if he wanted to play. About two days later he called. He joined my summer team, and made a huge and immediate impact. Joey is considered very attractive. He looks tanned, he has brown hair and brown eyes. Very nice smile and good looking face. He is very smart. He is a graduate student in physics. He doing research on softball bats, pretty ironic. So he is good looking and smart. The final thing about Joey is that he is upbeat, friendly to all, and a team player. You never hear Joey say "I won the game". Or "It was all me." Joey is about the team. He is ready to defend a team mate when needed. But when it is all said and done, Joey is good looking, smart, a team player, and friendly. He is a great guy. In one particular instance one of our players, Chief, was just getting to second base when the second baseman pushes Chief off the base and he fell over. It happened to be Joey's at bat. Joey yelled at the second baseman asking him why he just did that. Then Joey stroked the next pitch about 400 feet. It was awesome. It is all about the team. One last thing about Joey, he is a great hitter and a great fielder, but you would not know it unless you were watching him because he does not talk smack. Joey is good looking, smart, a team player, friendly, and humble.
I sat around and watched TV most of the rest of the afternoon. My brother called me and asked if I wanted to go tent shopping with him. We went to Issaquah, Redmond, and Bellevue looking for a specific tent. Could not find it. I went to his new house in New Port Shores. Nice upscale neighborhood. He has a great house and a nice yard. We watched the movie the Badge.
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