Seeing Grandma Anderson
Even though I am on vacation I have found it is hard for me to sleep in these days. Something always will wake me up early. Saturday morning, I guess, was nothing special, however I was up early. My softball nagging injuries are causing me grief as I try to descend the stair of my parents' house. Amber was happy to see me this morning I took her outside and we play catch with her tennis ball. She loves that ball.
I went in to the house where it was air conditioned and watch a little of the boob tube. What is interesting is that I don't have cable at my new house. That was an expense I decided not to have. I don't miss it. It is nice. I am not spending hours a day watching TV. Maybe I will be more productive for now on. Well, I doubt that, but it will not get me distracted from what I should do. Right now I should be unpacking my stuff from the move. Yeah, tell me about it. I still have all my stuff in boxes from my move that happened earlier this month. I have been a busy guy. I have noticed that I spend only a few hours at the house and it is usually sleeping. I am working at one job or another or traveling from job to job. I should just sell the house and move in to the basement of the jail. That would be cheaper. But that wont happen, I suppose there will be a time when I do slow down.
My sister was coming to get me at two o'clock p.m. to go to my Aunt Karen's house to see my grandma Anderson. She is in from North Dakota with her sister Mildred. My Uncle's Larry and Dale were there. It was nice to see them. Dale is up from Arizona and Larry from Kent, Washington. We sat around and chatted, then moved outside where we hung out some more, took family photos, and then had a small meal. My Uncle Larry is a conservative guy as am I. We talked some politics. Many people on the Anderson side of the family are religious and pretty much straight and narrow. I think I take after the Dalen side of my family more often.
My cousin Ricky was there. He is Karen's son. He is about two years older than I am. He was talking about the young boys that were there. They were in the front yard playing king of the hill. He mentioned how there was a game our generation played that probably does not get played anymore. He asked if me and the other cousin of our generation remembers playing "Smear the Queer". I laughed. I said I remember playing that a lot. It is like pig pile, tackle football and a few other things together. One person would have a ball, and everyone would try to tackle him and pig pile on him. The guy would run around until tackled or if he was a wimp just before he was tackled he would throw the ball into the air and someone else would become the queer. I said, "Being the queer is something you did not want to be." Ricky said, "You still don't". Everyone started laughing.
We ended the evening play a few games and left to go home. We were planning on being there for about two hours and we ended up being there for about six and one half hours. But it was so nice to see everyone.
I got home and called my friend Dave. I left him a voice mail. He called back a little while later. We decided to meet at Shari's in Spring Glen. He was hungry. We got up there and chatted about life and what was going on for each of us. I asked him if he wanted to go for a drink. So he suggested we head to the Spot Tavern. We got inside and ordered a pitcher of beer. We ran into some old friends. Ron and Steve (guys I talked about in a post early in my Blog from a flashback) were in the bar. We sat with them and chatted about the old times and new times. We closed out the bar. I headed home since I had to get up early to get back to Whitman County.
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