I got a B?
Due to getting to bed well after midnight I figured I would have problems getting up on time. And sure enough I was an hour and a half late getting into work this morning. I set my alarm clock, I woke up and promptly went back to sleep. I got a few printers set up around the health department. I ordered a few items. Then at three o'clock pm I had to head to Pullman for my Account class. I did not know homework was due. The teacher said since some of the things in the homework were not discussed in class yet she would only grade us on whether it was done or not. I did not realize we had homework so I did not do it. I left my book in my truck so I could not work on it during class either. I asked someone next to me to use his book. I got the homework done, but there is a rule it is due at the beginning of class. At the end of class the tests were getting handed out, so I put my paper on top of the stack of homework papers when I got my test. So, I was able to get it turned in. That is an easy five points. I got my test expecting to have a C- or a D. I instead was between a B+ and a B. I did a lot better than expected.
After class I came back to Colfax and worked until my Coroner's meeting. We talked about some issues. I asked questions about what to say to people when they ask questions like "did my loved one suffer" or "could I have done anything to save them".
After that meeting I went to the SO, I talked to Vinny and set up a couple of printers on his laptop he got last Friday.
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