Ride Along with Pullman
Friday I am supposed to work until noon, however to make up for being late and going home early, I had to work about seven hours. I talked to Ryan a few times and we decided I would go to his place and meet up with Kristine. She was having troubles and needed my help.
I got to Ryan's apartment. Kristine was there. I helped her out, and then we watched the segment of the ASWSU meeting that I was on. Ryan had recorded it. I would love to see it some more and see how I act and see how many OGT's I threw off during my speech. Then we went downtown to eat. It is Dad's Weekend at WSU so there are a ton of people in town. We drove to Top of China, which is now called something else. It is a Chinese buffet. I drove us down there. But my truck's backseat is so full of stuff, we had to have all three of us up front, but I only have two bucket seats. So, it was funny that I have five seats, but only two were usable.
After dinner I walked around downtown with Ryan and Kristine. We went to a place so Kristine could get her nails done. I was talking to my mom on the phone for a while. Near seven o'clock I had to get to the Pullman Police department. I was going on a ride with Officer Crow.
The evening started with briefing. Sgt. Dornes was the duty sergeant for the day. He went through a bunch of pass along information. Then a voicemail box is called and put on speaker phone. The dayshift sergeant leaves a briefing on what happened during the day. One thing he mentioned was that someone called about some deer running around near the library. The caller was worried that the deer would be hit by a car. That brought a chuckle from everyone.
Once in the car we were about five minutes into patrol when a call came out for deer running around the library and into traffic. So we chuckled again since we had just heard about it. We checked the area and no deer were found. We ran to Arby's for dinner. Then we went on patrol. Our beat was everywhere but college hill.
It was pretty darn slow. We had a noise complaint. We stopped a few cars. We went to a fight that never was. We went to Whitcom. I got a chance to meet Tom, one of the dispatchers. He is a good one according to Crow. Now that I have seen him I can put a face to the voice. And now that I have a name I can discern his voice from others easier. In the past I thought he was Tim. But now I can listen to him and pick him out. He reminds me a lot of Tod who left a few years ago. Tod and I were becoming friends when he left the area.
The night was more or less quiet. With times of total radio inactivity for thirty minutes or more at a time. This is not normal for Pullman. It was just dead. In fact it was Dad's weekend. I was not sure to expect it to be really wild or really dead. It was really dead. I rode with Crow until about three AM. That was a nice eight hour shift.
I grabbed some Jack in the Box, and went home to go to bed.
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