On the air... Nationwide.
I got to work this morning and looked up John Carlson's e-mail address. He is a talk show host on KVI in Seattle. I e-mailed him that I knew Ryan Anderson. I also spent some time looking up some old e-mail’s from Ryan and I. I got a call about eleven am from the John Carlson Show. They asked if I would go on the air at about three-fifteen to talk about Ryan.
Between nine am and noon we had the county surplus sale. We sold a lot of the computer stuff. After the sale I did some work and then got off at about two-thirty pm. I went home and waited for John's call.
They called about three-fifteen. I was on hold and then someone came on the phone and said "go Miss Bud Seafair." I started to laugh. I use to call his show all the time and the first thing I would also say was "go Miss Rock Seafair." He chatted with me a little bit and then put me on the air. I talked about what Ryan and I did together and what Ryan was like. I was on the air for about forty-five minutes. John thanked me for my time.
I hung out at home for a while. I was going to meet up with Russell and hang out with him for a while. I headed up for Pullman around five pm. I was listening to Lars Larson. I called in and told the call screener that I knew Ryan. He got me on the air right away. He also got my name and number so he could call on Monday and talk to me some more about it. I was on Lars' show for about ten minutes.
I went to Ryan's apartment and Kristine and Ryan were getting ready to go to dinner. They invited me to come along. We went to Ranch Viejo. We had some Mexican food. I told them my story about Ryan. They asked if I had heard what happened to Peter. I told them I had not. They said he was fired from ASWSU because of misappropriation of funds. They told me he used ASWSU funds to go to Olympia on ASWSU's buck for personal reasons.
We left after about an hour. I dropped them off and then headed to Russell's apartment. Fowler and Nick were there. Nick and Russell seem like they really love each other. It is neat to watch them. We all watched Heavy Metal and then sat around and talked about different things.
It was getting late so I headed home to play with Amber for a while before going to bed.
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