Ho hum.
The untabled project got into high speed today. I worked with a few other guys through out the day and we got something that was working. When we went to talk to the people in marketing to test it we found out the direction we went was wrong. We have to do it all over again tomorrow.
I have been growing a goatee. Mainly because Brian likes guys with goatees. I like the feel of it. I normally cannot have one because firefighters have to get a good seal on their mask for going into fires. So, when I move back to Pullman I will have to shave it off.
I ate fatback for dinner. It is one of my favorite meals. When I was done I found out that I had to head to softball practice. I got there and only two others showed up. I went home and helped do the dishes.
I chatted with Justin online. He was wondering why I did not want to be his friend. I told him that it is not that I don't want to be his friend. He is a great guy. But it is that we are not friends. Just talking to someone does not make you friends. You have to do more than chat online to be a friend. A friendship is a deeper relationship. It takes time and effort to have a relationship with someone that will turn into a friendship. Someday Justin and I can be real friends. For now I will settle for being good buddies. I hope I did not hurt his feelings because that is not what I set out to do. I hope he understood. AJ is a really awesome guy, but he is in the same boat as Justin.
I was watching Death Wish. I was thinking about vigilantism. There is something to someone taking the law into their own hands and taking care of the problems that the police can't.
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