Working for the government will not get you rich... but...
This day will be one I remember. It was the first time I worked for a company that called an all-hands meeting to do what they did. The meeting was scheduled for ten o’clock AM. Just before the meeting Terry called me into his office. He said that after the meeting he wanted me to stick around. He also said what is going to be said in the meeting really had nothing to do with me. He said that was all he could say. I have no idea what to expect. I am really worried about what is going to happen.
So I am starting to freak out. It is close to meeting time. I am expecting to get a lot of things said to the Dev team. I got into a corner so I would have some mental safety. I was ready for the worst. I wanted to take this one corner behind the door that Greg always sat in. But his stuff was already there. That is really nice because you cannot be seen by some parts of the room. I was prepared for the worst but it was not what I expected.
The CEO started by saying that as we are speaking four people are getting laid off. She said that Greg was one of them. I could not believe it. Greg has been with the company longer than most. Everyone in the room got really quiet. It was sad for us. There was some restructuring to save money and to consolidate some roles. We also lost our whole QA team. They were not going to touch Dev. They know that with out us to fix what we have and build more stuff the company will fold. So I feel safe to a point.
After the meeting Terry told me that what he wanted me around for was if someone who was getting laid off when crazy. He wanted someone who was big and could handle some of these people. It was amazing what I was thinking it could be. Only to have it be no big deal.
After the meeting I went back to my desk. Terry told us we could go home if we wanted. I wanted to get work done on the user interface on the new product that I am working on. When everything was all said and done and I did not get a lot of stuff done on it. I went home and I did do some more work on it.
I watched Rescue Me. The “gay basher” firefighter was in a hearing. His son testified on his behalf that he is not a homophobe and what not. But he obviously is because he does not talk about his son. The people on the department were surprised that he even had a son. He son was given the cold shoulder by he dad after the hearing. I was hoping the dad would cone to his sense and at least be close with his son. I don’t expect him to embrace the homosexuality, but he can at least hold onto his son.
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