New Lobo contractors
I got to work a little earlier than normal so I could get out of there and to Pullman so I could meet with the next Lobo contractors. I E-mailed Brian about the project I am now working on. I got most of it done yesterday, but now it is the hard part. I am putting together a system that needs to shoot out E-mails. I have to figure out how they are getting done now so I can do it.
I took off around one-thirty pm to get to Pullman. One the way I found there was a fair amount of traffic heading towards Pullman on Highway twenty-six. I rolled into town around five-fourth-five. I got my mail. I had a ticket from WSU parking services in the mail. I checked it out it was for a car I do not own and it happened on a day I was not in Pullman.
I went to the parking services office. I got the ticket straightened out. It should get wiped off my record. Then I went to my office. I had a meeting with the new contractors. I got some paper work and I talked to all of them. I hope things will go well. They seem like good people.
When the meeting was done I went to Ryan's apartment. We watched Third-Watch. I like that show but it seems to be turning into a police drama and not so much with EMS and fire anymore. I get so into the show I hate to see it end.
When it was over Ryan and I got some dinner and went to my office. I E-mailed the contractors their paperwork and other information. Then Ryan and I went to his place and got some tennis rackets. We went to the tennis courts and plays some tennis. Ryan beat me seven to two. I have some learning to do.
After that we went to Zeppoz and talked to Russell for a little while. I had not seen Russell in a few weeks so it was good to see him. I dropped Ryan off at his place and I went home myself. I watched some TV before drifting off to sleep.
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