Shaking the place down
I learned something today on my way to Colfax. On Tuesday I got new, larger tires on my truck. When I was in Whitman County I had the cruise control set to seventy miles per hour in a sixty-five zone. Around La Crosse I see a cops lights go on and him stopping quickly. I knew I was getting pulled over. I saw who the cop was by his license plate. I was wondering if he was pulling me over because it was so cold and he thought five over was too much in that weather.
He got to my truck window and started out with his introduction, then he saw it was me. He cracked a smile and stopped his introduction and said "how are you doing?" I told him I was doing well. He said I was going a little fast -- Seventy-Five. I thought for half a second and said seventy-five my speedometer said I was doing... ohhhhh wait. I just got new tires. He said what did my speedometer says I was doing. I said the cruise was set for seventy on the nose. He said that the larger tires can add three to five miles per hour. So, I learned something today. My new tires made my speedometer off at high speeds.
As the conversation was happening I thought back to doing five to seven miles an hour over while driving to Whitman County. Then I realized I was doing ten to twelve over the speed limit. That would have been a ticket. I was thankful I was not stopped until Whitman County.
I continued to Colfax and tested out my water. It worked! I have water. I am so happy about that. I got my jail uniform on and went to the jail. I got there about six o'clock and worked until about two in the morning.
My night started out with a quick dinner followed by booking a one day commit into jail. It was pretty quick and Sam came down to help me. There were three other officers working with me today. So a total of four of us were there. We decided to do a shakedown of the maximum security unit. We found the typical things -- lack of cleaning, too many books, food in the cell, and some odd items. Those people all got locked down for a few hours depending on how much stuff they had. One guy had so much stuff I ended up making him write a one thousand word essay on what he had done wrong. He also got twenty-three hours of lockdown. Two people ended up getting hearings because of what they had.
Towards the end of the night a couple fresh arrests came in. Both of the guys were about one-forty pounds soaking wet. They were wearing size thirty-eight pants. So when I took their belts their pants would not stay up anymore. Both with gansta's! One of the juvenile officers was a state trooper in the Seattle area back in the seventies. We talked for a while about the progress and growth of the area and how it is not like it use to be.
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