First full football practice
I got up and started the day off with football practice. I got underway early to make sure I was able to park close to the field. I got there at about eleven-thirty. I listened to some music while waiting for the other people to arrive. Soon people showed up. I got out and hobbled over to the field. I watched practice. I wish I could have been there with them.
After practice I went to the team owner's house. I bought a few more items from him and then I had to get the playbooks from Kinko's. So I went there and had them made. I headed back to Pullman.
I called up Pat to see if he wanted to get together. He said he wanted to talk to me about some stuff. Pat is a full time fire fighter with Pullman. I went to his house and we talked for a few hours. We talked about owning a business, centered on owning a computer business. We also talked about a few other subjects as they would tangent off the main topic.
He had to leave around seven o'clock pm. I headed to Colfax. I stopped at Colfax fire and talked with Carl at length. We watched a TV show and then I headed home. It was about ten o'clock pm and I needed to let Amber inside.
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