Roman Numbers are fun.
Today I am not going to wear my ankle brace. I decided I will start the journey of being normal again. I start it one painful step after another. It does get better through out the day and I am able to run up and down stairs on it. So, I guess I cannot say I am a gimp anymore.
I brought my new truck to work and everyone wanted to go see it, so I showed it to everyone.
I went on a EMS call this morning. It was someone who had an injured hip. We got on scene and I said to one of the guys I was working with that we would use the scoop stretcher to pick "her" up. He said "how do you know it is a woman?" I said it is a hip injury and I have never been to one where it was a man.
I went inside and sure enough, it was a woman. It was not the hip however, she had a broken femur. The leg was twisted and did not look like it was in a natural position. We got here transported to the hospital. That injury is a very painful one and she took the pain pretty well.
Following that I worked my stuff as normal. I got off work at five-thirty. I raced home to get dinner then off to class at WSU for the fire department. It was a class on Wildland/Urban interface fires.
We had a meeting afterwards with the crew. At nine-thirty I said that I had another meeting to get to and I had to get going. John, my crewleader jokingly said, "so"? So I retorted to anyone listened "John doesn't care about anything unless it involves himself." He said "You have a meeting at Station Thirty-Four?" I said I do, but it is not for gambling, it was because I had some guys coming over. John and Chuck both gave me a funny look. I realized what they were thinking and I laughed and said, not that! They are employees. Actually they are sub-contractors, but it is sometimes easy to describe their relationship as employees to people who don't understand that stuff. I went down to the office and met up with the others.
Phillip was there to sign a contract and we talked about a few of the jobs. Mike came in to get a part to work on a job. Phillip saw an e-mail and asked me what IAAFAIANH stands for. I laughed it off. Later on I explained about an Evergreen article where I had a quotation about the lack of gay magazines in the Bookie.
Then I told him about the acronym. I said it stands for "I am a fag and I am not happy." He laughed and mentioned that now he understands the inside joke.
I have been thinking about getting a personalized license plate for my truck. I think I will get a number that is significant to me in Roman numerals. Me list is below.
38 - XXXVIII - Jail Paul number
55 - LV - Softball number
59 - LIX - Football number
64c - LXIV-C - Coroner Paul number
73 - LXXIII - Year of birth
151 - CLI - Colfax Fire number
173 - CLXXIII - Pullman Fire number
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