Happy Birthday Mom
All I had to do today is go to Seattle. I had to be there by six o'clock pm. I went to my IS office and spent some time on the computer sending e-mail to people about the softball game and looking to see if anyone was not going to be there.
I went home and emptied my mom's car out. I put Amber in and got ready to head out. The trip was pretty uneventful. I made good time. When I drove up the driveway I saw the back end of my Royal Blue truck. It was so nice to see. I am a big fan of a stick shift. I was ready to get into my truck with its guts and all. My mom's car is nice but it is slower than my truck.
It was weird to get into it. I did not drive it anywhere. We had to head to Renton Eagles for dinner. We got down there. Janet, Lee, and Jodi were already there. Jon, Lisa, Justin, and Logan showed up after us. We gave Mom and Jodi birthday presents.
at one point we head a siren. I was wondering where it was going. They came to the Eagles. Someone thought he was having a heart attack. It turned out to be noting. He was not transported.
I got back to my mom's and worked on her computer a little bit. She got a brand new Dell. I was installing some stuff on it for her. I checked my e-mail.
I went out and watched some TV before going to bed.
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