Last day of ECSA Softball.
I was woken up at nine am. I started to get ready to play softball. I had my last Emerald City league softball game. We have been playing the C league teams for the last few games. We went out there and I was on first base. It was really warm. Actually I would say it was hot and slightly muggy. The game was pretty tight. We were down four to six near the end of the game. They other team only had nine players. In this league the tenth player, because he is missing, is recorded as an out. We had two outs on them. The batter was ninth in their order. Someone on their team yelled out, the next guy is an out, so just keep running.
I then told the pitcher to give him a walk. The next batter would be an out and the inning is over. Just like that. The other team was mad at us. They said it was "chicken-shit". I am out there to win the game. If they can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen. When you use someone's weakness for your advantage that is not a bad thing, I would say it is good. When a right handed batter pushes the ball to right field because the rightfielder is too slow to play any other position and doesn't have an arm strong enough to throw the ball to the pitcher from the catcher, is that "chicken-shit"? You are exploiting a weakness in the other team. I say it is part of the game. The funny thing is before the game we gave them an option of playing the game for fun and getting a tenth player. They refused and said they wanted to play to win. So, they chose to play under-manned. They opened a weakness for us to exploit.
After the game I came home and hung out for a while and ate some lunch. I left to go to Jon's house and take care of the cats and frog. I brought in the newspaper. Then I left to the Tom Teasdale fields for my Renton City League Co-ed game. I was going to be really early, but I figured I would watch the teams before us play. One team was awful, the other team was better. One of the guys playing was wearing sandals. As an umpire I would have said that he had to change out of those. In the rules you must wear shoes.
After those games were done we took the field and started to get ready for our game. Sadly, the other team did not have enough girls. So we played one practice game. We still ended up beating them even though it was seven guys and three girls, to a five and five mix of guys and girls. We all played in different positions that normal. I did an inning in right field. My last at bat I hit left handed. I did a pretty good hit. It went to mid-shallow right field.
After the game I went home. We were going to have tacos for dinner. I love taco night. My step dad cooks flour and corn tortillas and then we pile on the toppings. I had a couple of those. I chatted online for a little while with Justin and Meredith before both signed off. I watched Six Feet Under and QaF before retiring to bed.
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