St. Maries 2004 day two
The day started at about seven am. We had a girls game at eight o’clock in the morning. I brushed my teeth and got ready. I went to watch the women. There were playing well and won their game. Then I got ready for our game at nine-twenty am. We were playing against Green’s Cleaners. I was going to start pitching. My knee was hurting a little bit. After two batters I pulled myself and someone else pitched. We lost that game.
Our next game was going to be at two-thirty. So I went back to camp for a while. Phil, Mark, and some of the women were sitting around and talked. We talked a lot about the upcoming IM softball season. I also took time to watch a game that the loser of the game would play us. I was hoping for a team wearing yellow to lose. They had one guy on the team who was a big time ten-six-seven. He was tall and had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was someone I kept my eye one.
It turned out that yellow team lost. So we played them. That guy was on the other side waiting for the field to clear from the previous game for us to get on the field. It was hot out so he had his shirt off. That was some nice eye candy.
We took the field. I was oh for two in the first game. The second game I did not done any better. I was again oh for two. We ended up losing that game as well. I got in to catch in the last inning. After the game we shook hands with the other team and I decided to take off. I was debating on whether I wanted to go to Seattle or Pullman. I decided on Pullman.
When I got into town I went to my office and got my server running. It was off. There must have been a power outage because my other desktop was off as well. It had not been rebooted since November two thousand and three. I unblocked AJ and we chatted for a few minutes. The twenty-second of August is his eighteenth birthday. I called Dan he said the new quint was in town. So I went to station one and hung out until it came back. I saw it. It is nice. It is really big. There was a PFD on the front door and a Cougar head in a maltase cross. I think that is in preparation for the merger of the WSU and Pullman fire departments.
I went to Cougar Country to get some food and then I went to Colfax. I took a shower and went to the fire station. I talked to Jenny for a few minutes. They had six calls today so I doubt we will get any tonight. On my way home I called up Peter. I got a hold of him. He sounded happy to hear from me. He said that we should hang out. He invited me to come over tomorrow. I will do that for sure.
I went home and Ryan called to see if I wanted to do something but I was in Colfax. He did not say anything about hanging out while I was in Pullman and on the phone with him. He did not sound like he was ready to do anything either. So now that I am here I am not going to go back to Pullman tonight.
I am really looking forward to seeing Peter. It will be weird. We have not done anything together in almost two years. I still don’t know why he did what he did to me. But I am someone who is so forgiving. Many other people would have dropped Peter but I loved that guy as my best friend. He was awesome and it is do hard for me to get rid of him and stop trying to be his friend. I still want to know why he wanted nothing to do with me for two years, but I would also love to have him as a friend again.
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