A day of rest
I slept very late into the morning. I did wake up a few times, finally getting out of bed a little before one. I wanted to plow the driveway, go to the fire station and pay for my clothes I got, go to my office and pay rent, and finally go to Lewiston for the football practice. I was up so late I was only able to do the last thing on that list. I drove down to Lewiston. As I got closer the roads got better. My truck was getting covered in dirty ice. They were growing out of the side of my truck like stalagmites growing from a cave floor. Some of them on my truck getting more than an inch in height. I got to where the practice was supposed to be and no on was there. I called the team owner and he said the practice was cancelled. So I learned something new. Call first!
I drove back to Colfax and got my four wheeler started but the battery was so dead that it did not want to keep running and operating the plow. I spent about an hour trying to get it to work by charging the battery with the new battery charger I got for my birthday. But it would not charge something with less that one amp. The battery was less than that. So I finally gave up. I went to the fire station and paid my money for the shirts.
My next stop was Pullman. I got to my office and wrote a check for the rent for my place. I also got online and checked my E-mail from my techs. Then I was off to Ben's apartment. We were playing poker at his place. We did eight dollar buy-in's winner take all. I was taken out at the same time as one other person. So it was down to Ben and Taylor (a guy from the UI who went to the USC football game with Ben and I). Taylor had been doing well, but Ben ended up winning it all. I took off. I wanted to get to bed at a reasonable hour. I also had to got to the jail and finish my coroners report.
I got to the jail at about nine-thirty. I wrote my report, printed it out. Printed out the pictures and then turned in my report. I went into the jail and got the one-thousand word essay the guy had to write as a punishment from Friday's shakedown. He had until ten pm to get it done. He got it done just in time. I read it and then went to the store.
I got some cereal for breakfast and some milk. I got some chew and de-icer for the stairs going to my deck. I put the de-icer on and it started to break up the thick ice.
Rather than going to bed like I was supposed to, I spent a while watching TV. I finally went to sleep around mid-night. I was mad that I wasted my chance to get extra sleep. I set my alarm clock for five am and drifted to sleep.
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