Wednesday, January 14, 2004

End of an Era

It was bound to happen, and it did. I was driving to Moscow from Colfax for my doctor's appointment. En route I was enjoying a dip. Spitting in a Pepsi can I had in my truck. I take the tab off the can when I use it as a spitter. I pulled out the dip and I was going to drink some pop. I had an open pop that I had just purchased earlier. I take a big swig out of the can, and I notice it does not taste like Pepsi. And it was slightly warm. Then I realized I was in the middle of drinking my chew spit. Luckily I did not swallow. That is only the second time that has happened to me.

The other time was when I was a freshman or sophomore at WSU. I was in my room working on the computer. I had several Styrofoam cups from the dinning center on my desk. I picked up the wrong one. And a big wad of of chew (at the time I was chewing Beach Nut) can tumbling toward my mouth. Not quite the rootbeer I was expecting.

I talked to the doctor. We decided I would have surgery. I told him I did not want to go under. I would get a spinal. That would make me paralyzed from the waist down. I can say I am a little bit nervous. Then I was thinking about the fact I will be on crutches for about ten days. Not a fun thought. But I will improvise, adapt and overcome.

After the appointment I went to the Bookie and bought the book for my English class. It took only five minutes from the time I put money in the parking meter to getting back to my truck. No long lines. Nothing. It was nice.

I went to Ryan's apartment and saw his new kitty. His kitty's name is Nemo. Cute little guy. I took some pictures of the kitty with Ryan, and some of the kitty. Then Kristine came over and I got one of her and the kitty.

We were going to go to dinner to celebrate Ryan's new job. We went to Applebee's. I had a chicken sandwich and a really good dessert. It was about a fifteen dollar meal. There is a reason I do not go there very often.

I talked to Jason, the owner of NachoMan. I read an article in the Daily Evergreen about a new place being where that was called Fat Ass Burrito. I wanted to see if he went out of business or sold his restaurant. He said he sold. I was surprised. So, the NachoMan Nadirs will still be around since we have the shirts and numbers, but we will search for a new sponsor soon. Jason said he probably will not be in the area to play summer ball as he will probably move to a larger city.

When we got back from dinner Ryan got a haircut from Kristine and we watched SouthPark. I went home and hit the hay.