Doing what needed to be done
I planned on sleeping in, but at six o'clock my alarm clock went off. I quickly turned it off and tried to get to sleep. Then I heard my scanner dispatch a roll over car accident outside of Pullman. Some time later I heard dispatch talking about a car accident. I thought it was the same one until I heard Colfax Ambulance blah, blah, blah. So I got up and headed to the station. Only to find the person who was in the accident was in the middle of the road about three hundred feet from my driveway. Then Carl showed up in the engine and blocked the road. I ended up getting to the station after the Ambulance went by. I hung out and waited for Carl to return. We talked briefly. He was heading home to get some work done. He invited me to come help if I wasn't going to do anything. I was planning on making my way down there.
I went home and instead of going back to bed I watched a movie on TV. At about eleven in the morning I started to clean my house. I had a bunch of mail to go through. I cleaned the bathroom and kitchen. I cleaned up the basement a little bit. I was busy for a while. Then I got a call from Ryan. He wanted to know if I wanted to go see Dodgeball. I said that it was a good idea.
I had to go to the IS office and do something there. I was there for a little while when Ryan called back to see when I would be up at his place because we were also going to get lunch and he was hungry. I told him I would be there at about three thirty.
I left and headed to Ryan's place. We headed out with his roommate and went to Cougar Country from lunch. His roommate paid for my lunch to make up for the movie I paid for her a few weeks ago. Ryan was joke about her and I being on a date. He kept making jokes about it. He thought it was funny because he knows I am gay. I asked him if his roommate Tracey knew. He said she would have no reason to know. We decided to see Shrek Two instead of Dodgeball because Tracey wanted to see that.
After the movie we went back to Ryan's apartment and watched the Skull's and the Skull's Two. We talked about the Mariner's after that. We talked about living in Pullman and living in Seattle. I headed out before midnight and went to my office and got on the computer there. I checked my e-mail and did a few other things before heading off home. I had to get to bed sort of early so I could get an early start for tomorrow.
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