Thursday, December 23, 2004

Teaching Ryan to drive

Today is like Friday as I do not have to work tomorrow. I went in and started to buckle down on the XPA problem. I am trying to trace the route the data takes from input to database. Several of us went to lunch to celebrate m birthday. Joan had a coupon and she let me use it for a free birthday meal.

When we were leaving Ryan called from Bellevue Square. I drove there to meet up with him. We walked around the mall for a little bit looking in a few stores. Then we drove back to my work. We played ping pong. I beat him two games in a row. Then I went to try to get some work done on the XPA problem.

Ryan came back to my cube and we started to call around to places about getting a Playstation-Two for Ryan's brother Keith. We were unable to locate one. We did get my gift for Logan. Ryan also got a few things for his brother and parents. We drove back to Ryan's place, because there were no movies open that we wanted to see.

I started to look at Keith's computer. He has some serious problems. As Ryan and I were checking it out Keith came home from work. Keith is a really nice guy. He likes to collect stuff. He has a whole bunch of record players. A lot of records. He has old video game systems as well. I looked at the computer. It needs some help, but it is a Windows ninety-Five system and we cannot get it on the network right now because it will not boot unless in SafeMode.

Ryan's parents, Ryan, and I went to Vince's for dinner. Ryan and I got a pizza to share. We stayed there for a while talking. When I got back I looked at Keith's computer some more. Then he had to get to bed. So I went up stairs and helped Ryan get a couple picture files moved to his website.

Then we decided to hit the town. I drove into Renton. I thought about letting Ryan drive the truck. We went to Rainier Ave near the airport. We got some stuff and I got into the passenger side. I tried to get Ryan to drive he wouldn't. He said he would if we were to go somewhere where it is not so busy.

So we drove to the Boeing parking lot where a lot of people have learned how to drive over the years. I started with Ryan just doing some driving, stopping, turning, backing, and whatnot. We spent about an hour in the parking lot. We worked on getting him to drive faster. In the parking lot we got up to thirty mile per hour. But he we getting nervous with that speed. After spending some time I told him to try to drive on the street a little bit. It was past midnight so I figured it would not be so bad. We got out there and we started to drive around the empty streets. If a car did come near us he would move way right.

Then we got driving some more. We got him on busier streets and busier streets. We drove down Rainier Ave. That was really nerve racking for him. Then I got him on SR-One-Sixty-Seven. He was real nervous at first. We went along and he started to feel better about it. We drove all the way to Kent from Renton. Then we drove some surface streets in Kent. Got onto Central and took it to One-Sixty-Seven again. We drove to Renton and merged on I-Four-oh-Five. We drove that for a few miles and got off at Sunset in Renton. We drove around the Highlands. Then he drove through Kennydale to get on Four-oh-Five again. We drove all the way to Bellevue and merged on I-ninety. We drove that to Issaquah. Then we got on SR-Nine-hundred. That took us back to the Renton Highlands. That is a narrow road with lots of corners on it.

As time went on he was getting better and better of staying in his lane and not moving to the right so much. It was funny he never thought he would like to drive fast, but after being on the freeway and doing as much as seventy he had a hard time not speeding on the other roads. He drove for about a total of four hours. He got a lot better as the time went on. He wants to drive tomorrow as well. I think we will do that.


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