I got up this morning and met up with Jeremy to head to the airport to fly to Seattle. We met up just after four in the morning. The taxi got us to the airport, but as it turned out, Alaska's booths were not open. So I had to get in line and wait until five when they opened. I was the first in line, so that was nice, but they let all the first-class people go first. Jeremy was flying first class, so I was giving him a bit of a hard time.
We got through security really fast because it was five in the morning and there were not a lot of people there. Jeremy and I sat there waiting for our chance to get onto the plane. Because he was first class he got on first. As I walked past him I joked that he should have a good time up there, I was going "back there" and pointed to coach.
I was in my window seat. I put on my sunglasses and I pretty much planned on sleeping. Though I got decent sleep last night, I was still tired. While waiting to actually fall asleep I was this guy walk on the plane. He had incredible eyes. They were blue and he was a blond. His jaw line was very nice. He was one of those guys you swear you have seen somewhere else. He was ten-six-seven, and I couldn't help to wish he was sitting next to me. But, it was not to be. I wish I could have met him and talked with him, I just wanted to know more.
The flight took just over two hours and I slept for most of those. I was getting a little restless because I had surgery today and I wanted to get it over with.
After I got off the plane I met up with Jeremy again. He got off the plane way before me. But it did give me another chance to check out the ten-six-seven. I am guessing he is in his mid-twenties. I just wish I would have had a seat next to him. I wanted to have a reason to say hello to him.
As Jeremy were going to baggage claim I saw the guy was going in the same direction as us. He got on the same tram car as we got on. Because of where I was seated the guy was standing, it allowed more time for sight-seeing.
Jeremy got to the baggage claim and got our luggage. We walked outside together and he wished me well with my surgery and worked his way to get home. I was waiting for Bill. I was wishing my ten-six-seven was out there waiting too, it could have been my chance to say hi, but I didn't see him.
Bill showed up and we took off. But he made a bad turn and ended up going right past the terminal again. As we were passing the terminal I saw the ten-six-seven walk over to a car that was picking him up. So he had been in the area and I missed him. Darn it anyway!
We went to the house and I got the suitcase out of the truck. I was getting my room ready for me for tonight after the surgery. I was probably going to be hating life, because I tend to after surgery.
I got a phone call from the doctor's office. They asked if I could come in early because the doctor was ahead of schedule. I said I would. I got into the office and got the paperwork completed and I was called into the backroom.
I got in my gown, I got an IV and my vitals taken. It took two tries to get the IV going. The doctor came into the room and explained what he was going to do.
I was taken into the operating room. I layed down on the table. They started to do what they needed to do. The nurse gave me some oxygen. She said take some deep breaths. I figured out shortly after the first couple breaths what was going on. She wanted to get my oxygen level up so they could intubate me. I could feel a little bit of a stinging sensation in my IV. I thought she was putting some pressure on it on accident. She said I would probably feel a little bit of a stanging sensation. All of a sudden I could tell I was getting put under. There was no warning, it was happening. I didn't try to fight it, I just closed my eyes.
All of a sudden I was sitting in recovery. I was getting woken up with a popscicle. I didn't feel too bad. I was very cold and they gave me a warm blanket. I was getting more awake. Rather than letting myself sleep, I sort of fought it and before I knew it I was mostly awake. I didn't feel great, but I didn't feel bad. I had some graham crackers and apple juice. It was good. Then they gave me some oxycodone. After about an hour I was being let out. I had been given the instructions for what to do. Compared to last time this was nothing. I didn't feel bad on the trip home and I was waking up easily.
I got home and went to my bedroom. For the rest of the evening I watched TV, drank apple juice, ate graham crackers, and took meds. I didn't feel that bad at all. I would fall asleep for about five minutes or less and then get back up to watch more TV. I was making sure my ankle stayed elevated.
Labels: Major Life Event, Ten-Six-Seven