Hanging out with Ryan and Dave
Having gone to bed as late as I did I woke up about noon. Dave stopped over and we talked for a little while. He told me about a car accident he witnessed in Renton off of Petro in Fairwood. One person was killed. He said he saw the cars come from behind him. Race ahead of him. He saw one lose control and then it crashed into a Ford Crownvic. One seventeen year old girl was killed. Dave said he was not for sure, but he thought he saw a leg laying on the road. It was very disturbing for Dave.
He had to leave and I got ready to head to Pullman. Ryan and I were going to hang out for a while. We went to the Palouse Mall. He was going to look for some clothes. We went to the Bon first. While in the Bon I saw a guy who looked just like Tom R. He was a guy who I was a friend with several years ago. He is a big M's fan and a computer guy. He is a cool guy. He is about six foot five or six foot six. He is also a ten-six-seven.
I pointed him out to Ryan and said that if Tom was still in the area I would swear that guy working at the Bon is Tom. I went closer and the name tag said "Tom". I couldn't believe it. He had not seen me yet. So I grabbed this floral designed shirt and held it up to my chest and said out loud. "Does this look good on me?". Tom looked up and then greeted me. He came over and we shook hands. We talked briefly as he was working.
Ryan and I went and search for his clothes in another store. Still no luck. So we left and drove around. I thought about going to Domino's for pizza. Ryan likes Domino's. While getting pizza Dave called me at told me about a field fire and about a three fire engines rolling down the road. He said I should see them go by my house. I told him that I was not home. I said I was in Moscow.
I wanted to go down and see how close it was to my place, but I had a feeling it was in the same place as last year, which was not really that close to my house. Sure enough, that was the case. While I was enroute to Colfax I got a call from AJ. It was cool to talk to him. He is from the Netherlands. We talked about some issues for about forty-five minutes.
I was going to go into the fire station for just a second. Ryan decided to wait in the truck and listen to the M's game. I walked in the back door. David and Rick were there. They both came out to the bay to see who had come in. David said "where have you been?" Rick said you have missed a motorcycle wreck, a big field fire and a small field fire. Then the tones went off for a roll over accident. It was not far outside of town. So I got my stuff from my truck and went on it.
We got to the scene the guy had self extricated himself from the vehicle. We took to the hospital for observation. He was my patient so I was filling out the paperwork. On the way in all the vehicles at the field fire left. It some how mysteriously restarted. It was going like crazy. So went got back in service and went to the station. I could have gone, but I am on call for the coroner's office. I said I had to not go. I waited for Ryan to get back from the store. He left after the M's game and had the keys to the truck.
I chatted with Rick about the motorcycle accident and a few other things. Then Ryan showed up and we left shortly thereafter.
We went back to Pullman. He got his cards and we went to play hand and foot. We played several games. I won a couple and he won a couple. I did not want to stay up late because I was tired.
I dropped him off and went to Colfax. I got a call from Dave and went to see him in the hotel. We talked for about two hours. We caught up on some stuff. Then I left to get to bed and he wanted to go to the river.