I get up on my own at about nine am. No alarm clock. That is nice since it is a rare day I wake up without an alarm clock waking me. I get up and start to get ready to head to Pullman for the football game. It is Homecoming and the Cougars are going to play Arizona. But I did not want to get there and wait hours in line, I thought I would go to the tail gate party with Jim. I was on call as well, so I knew I would not make it back to Colfax at all. Therefore I had to give Amber as much time outside as possible.
I put Amber outside on her leash and headed down to the fire station. Ken was working. We were talking about football. I hung out down there until about eleven o'clock am. I went home put Amber inside and I was off to Pullman to watch some Cougar Football. I got into Pullman and headed to the office. Dan called and asked when I wanted to head to the game. I told him whenever. So, he went to get a ticket to only find out they are sold out. I told him we could hit the tailgate party and see if they guys there had any tickets available. Jim and Tom and the other people had already given away their tickets. So, Dan did not get one. I hung around tailgating, minus the drinking since I was on call at the fire department. I did chat with people and eat some food. There was one guy who is always there with his son. His son's name is TJ. Last season I noticed him and I was pretty impressed. A good looking guy he was. I was checking him out all last season.
This season I saw him at the Seattle game. I did not see him at the first Cougar home game since I was working with the fire department at it. But he arrived again, looking as good as normal. I overheard him talking about playing football. So, I then knew he was in high school. I was like "DOH!" I was totally checking out some high school kid. I was like damn it! I am a dirty old man. I asked him how Pullman football was doing, I had assumed that he plays football for Pullman. But he didn't. He said he plays for Liberty in Renton. I was like, hey there is where I went to high school. So, we talked about going to the same school, the teachers, including Bob Carlson and his recent death. He said he is in survival science. With about thirty minutes to go, I decided to go to the game.
I had my card swiped. They said I did not have a sports pass. I said I had paid for one. I was escorted to a woman in a small room with a laptop. She typed my ID number in and said I am only part time and I can't have a sports pass. I said I paid for one. She raised her voice and said "NO YOU DID NOT!" Then she pointed to a CMS guy and pointed at me and said "he needs to be escorted out of here." I was walked to a side entrance where numerous people were standing around. The gate was opened for me and then CMS worker who walked me to the gate said to the gate keeper "He is out of here." I felt like dirt. I was upset at the way I was treated. So, now I had to find a ticket to the game.
I was standing in a line and I heard a guy say he had one for sale. He said he was selling it for face value. I bought it from him. I got into the stadium and walked to the Cougar side of the stadium. I went to the top row like I like. I stood there for a while and then I decided my ankle hurt pretty bad so I would head to my seat and sit down. On the way there I saw the rescue guys working the game. So I stopped and talked to them. It was Michael, Dan, and Matt. At half time I went to the tailgate party and talked to Jim about what had happened to me. I grabbed a brownie and headed towards my seat. I made it up to the seat and sat for the rest of the game.
The Cougs won and following the game I went and grabbed the North side bus to get me back to my office. I left my truck there. The bus ride was long due to the traffic. I finally got to McDonald's, my drop off point, and to my officer just before six o'clock pm. I was now on call. I ordered a pizza and headed to station thirty-two. I was going to meet Dan there to play cribbage. I bought the pizza to be nice since he had bought one for me recently. I got to the station to find he was gone. He had a really bad headache and went home.
So I sat down and ate by myself. I hung out at the station. Brandon was there as well. We were on Rescue. It was a while before our first call happened. But it was out to old Wawawai road. It was cat lady. She was having problems. We took her in. When we got back to Station thirty-two we started to watch Old School. Brandon and Michael had not seen it before. It was less than five minutes until the end when we get a Bravo response for a Mushroom OD on Spring street. We were en route right away. The dispatcher said the person had taken mushrooms. She gave a quantity. But since we did not know what a normal dose would be the amount was lost on us. We got to the scene. There was an older man there, and young man and a young lady. It was the girl who was about twenty two who was having the trouble. She had had one-third of two "one-eighth" bags. He friend who was the eighteen year old boy would talk. It was pretty quickly clear by his many OGT's (obviously gay traits) that he was family. The paramedic, Lynn, cleared us. As we were walking to the door a Delta in Palouse goes out for an unconscious girl.
We leave in a hurry and go code to the scene. She was sixteen and had been drinking a lot. We were in front of the Ambulance the whole way. When we were close to Palouse Michael said he did not know if it was a good idea for a girl strung out on mushrooms to be left with that eighteen year old. I laughed and said that, I don't there will be a chance of anything like that happening. I said the kid is family. At first the family reference was lost on the other guys, but when I explained it, they understood.
We got on scene, a girl was laying on the road, puke in her hair and on her. She had been drinking heavily before a school dance. We took her to detox. After returning from the hospital and gassing up Rescue, we went to the station and everyone was ready to go home. I stayed at the station and chatted with Matt for a while. We talked about the testing for Pullman fire. Matt had ended up in seventh place, down from first, Bryan was second, Jason is fourth, and Dan is sixth. I did not know my position since the letters had come out on Saturday and I had not seen mine yet. I was hoping to be first or third. If you are not in the top three you will probably not see an interview. I left the station about four fifteen and headed to my office. I got online and chatted with Rob. I signed off about four thirty. Within fifteen minutes we were being toned to a mushroom OD. I was wowed. In my time with Pullman fire I had not been on any mushroom OD's, and now I am on two in one day. We got on scene and the guys apartment smelled like marijuana. He claimed he was not smoking dope though, only the shrooms. We took him in to the hospital.
That call took us to within fifteen minutes of us being off duty for the night, so I went to my office, gathered my things waited a few minutes and headed back to Colfax. It was a little after six in the morning I had been up all night long. I was going to put Amber out on her leash. When I got her from the basement she said I left the sliding glass door open. She bolted. I yelled at her and she did not listen. She was gone. I did not chase her, I said screw it, I will get her when I wake up. I opened the letter from the City of Pullman. I found out I wound up in fifth place. I was hoping for better, but thankful it was not worse. I went to bed.