I slept in and got to work at eight am. That was not the wisest of moves on my part. That makes it so I have to work longer on Friday. The grand opening of the card room at Zeppoz is on Friday. I want to get there to play on the new Texas Hold'em table. So, I should have thought that through a little better.
I got in and started to tear through some of my issues. I had to get my bosses computer running first thing this morning. She was without one all day yesterday. I took hers into my office to see what I could do about it. I also got one of the three new ones I got from Gateway opened up and I am working on getting it ready for deployment. I worked with our new account rep from CDW-G. We spent a while on the phone talking about ordering items. I also ordered a few things for people.
One of the deputy laptops was sent off the middle of last month to get worked on. It was gone for longer than I thought it should have been gone. I was going to call Gateway up today and complain about the length of time it was taking to work on the computer. Before I did I tried to get a hold of the deputy to find out if he got it back and I had not know about it. I could not get him. Then when I came back from lunch there was a box that I recognized. It was the computer. So, it did finally get back, so it was a good thing I could not get a hold of the deputy as I would have been complaining to Gateway and the computer would be getting here as I was complaining!
I had my MRI today. I went to Whitman Community Hospital. I checked in and then went to radiology. When I was sitting there this handsome guy goes walking by. I was thinking to myself "that guy is good looking". I hope he is not the one who is going to be doing my MRI. I hate to look like a weakling (more on that in a second). So, he comes out of the radiology office and calls my name. Indeed he was the one working on me.
He walked me to the trailer where the MRI machine is at. He asks me a few questions, and I spend most of the time looking at him. Then we go into the MRI room and I lay on a bed with my ankle in a device to keep it still. He said that I can go to sleep or I can do what ever I want. Then he looks me in the eyes and sternly says "no jerking". And I with my thoughts of him going through my head. And then thinking that maybe he knows I am checking him out. That he had not said no jerking as in not to move around, for a second I was thinking he meant no jerking off! Then I realized what he really meant. It sort of cracked me up.
I laid on the machine and it was a short thirty minutes. I was starting to fall asleep. I would get those involuntary muscle spasms. I kept thinking to myself. No Jerking!!! So, I tried to hold still. Then he came in the room... Wow, from that point I could go into some wild porn scene. But I will not. He said I was done. I collected my things and left.
I went to my house and broke out the plow and worked on my driveway some more. I got it a little better, but the snow was really wet due to the rain. So I was not able to throw it as far. I got back to work around four thirty pm and finished out the day getting the computer back to the deputy.
I was on call at the fire department. I went to the station and watched the Simpsons. The guys from station thirty-one were at Dissmore's working on a water problem. Soon we were called to come down with some squeegees. WSU Fire also came down to help out. A couple Pullman cops were there as well. There was water down about seven isles. We would get three squeegees side by side to make it like one big squeegee. Then we would move down the isle. We had water about three inched high in front of us as we pushed down the hallway. We were there for about an hour and a half. Then they brought in about twelve pizza's from Pizza Hut and they told us to go grab a pop from the pop section. It was a nice reward for doing our work.
Afterwards we went to the station, washed the rigs, and John and I played a game of cribbage. I gave him a ride home. I went to my office and tried to go to bed. I was tired and yawning, but I could not fall asleep. I tossed and turned for more than two hours before falling asleep. I woke up several times through out the night.
So, on to my weakness story. Being injured is for the weak. I hate being injured. I have had ankle pain the last four years. Pretty much since twisting and spraining my ankle. My softball has been getting affected more and more by the injury. I finally decided to see if something could be done to fix it. I would not be able to run that well, and I could not cut nor change directions very well. I get some new x-rays, and it should that I had an avulsion of the bone when I sprained it. Which more or less means my bone was sliced away from the rest of the bone by the ligaments. That is what was so painful I suppose about the original injury. Now it has been causing me problems ever sense. So, I want to get the problem to go away, which mean surgery. However, I don't want to miss work due to the injury. In fact I have never called in sick to work in my working years. I don't want to start now. So, I am worried a little bit about missing work. Worse is that I will have to be in a cast more or less and then a walking boot. That is something I don't want to do. Talk about weakness. I will have to be on light duty at several of my jobs. That also sucks. So, in short I don't want the surgery due to the recovery time, but I have to look at the long term, and my sports and general life will be better.