Deputy Coroner training
It is 0600 hours on Wednesday morning, though I keep thinking it is Thursday. I am waking up at the fire station again. Yet another night without a call. I head off to Colfax. I am pretty excited because tonight I am meeting with Pete , the county Coroner. I am training to become a Deputy Coroner. We are getting together to discuss the ins and outs of the job. We are just getting underway with the training.
I get to work pretty much on time for once! My boss got into work early. I spent most of the day working on small problems. I did some touring around the county. I went to the Auditors office and Juvenile. I chatted with Chad about juvenile justice, law and detention. I was up there to touch base with them about their computers. It has been a while since I have heard anything from them.
At lunch I went to pick up a computer for my computer business Lobo Computer Services. The customer was located in Colfax. She has a computer that is dead and wants it to work again. I chatted with her for a short period, dropped it off at my home so it would be out of the heat. It has been getting to 100 plus for the last week and a half or two weeks. Which we usually get to the 90's-100's every year. And now is the time. Sadly, I am not out in my boat on the river enjoying it.
I was working late to make up for missed time. Around 18:15 hours I was feeling shaky and queasy. I knew something was not right. Being medically trained I had an idea of what it could be. I was thinking my Blood Sugar level was too low. I did not have breakfast this morning, which includes a 44 ounce pop. At lunch I only have a very small lunch, rather than the medium sized lunches. Which again include a 44 ounce pop. I did get a 12 oz can of pop though. In the middle of the afternoon I had another 12 ounce can of pop. I had some chips, but that was it. Nothing like normal. So, I went to the medical room in the jail and check my blood sugar. Sure enough it was 70. That is low. After I used the needle to poke myself I was trying to move the machine to the blood and I was shaking real bad. So I called the control room of the jail and requested a meal with them. Luckily the cooks were just about to serve control, so I got in on it. After drinking some juice and eating I could feel the shakes going away and everything was better.
I met up with Pete at 1900 hours. We talked about some basic coroner stuff. We watched a video of a pathologist doing a basic exam, getting fluids from the heart, eyeball, and bladder. I was given a book with pictures of what bodies look like after different periods of time have passed.
I stopped by the fire station on my way home and Ken was there we were chatting about religion. Ken is a Christian. He was telling me about the Bible and some stories from it. We were talking about the word of God versus Science. I am interested in learning, at the same time my science background causes me to have a hard time believing everything. It was about 2300 hours when I went home.
So, the question is, how can Carbon dating show something is 10,000 years old, when the claim is that the earth is only 6,000 years old? What about the dinosaur bones? I don't totally like the big bang theory either. Saying everything in the universe was in a small mass less than the size of someone's fist is unbelievable. There is always the question if God created the oceans, man, land, earth, etc. Where did God come from? The answer is one that does not answer the question. The bottom line is "faith". You just have to have faith in the fact God exists. For me, I have a hard time believing things unless I can see, feel, look at it. The Bible speaks of a lot of things. Some people would tell you that not everything in the Bible is "law", many of the things in there are stories that are meant to be examples for people to learn by. I want to believe, but I am not going to go through the motions, I want to believe and do it, or not waste everyone's time. I will continue to explore.
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