Quick Unload.
Monday morning I was woken up at about eight thirty by Bill. He wanted to know if I needed help loading the pool table. So, I got up, we had to get some other stuff out of the way before we could get to the pool table. We finally loaded the pool table in to the U-Haul, and then I went to the house. I should have went to sleep, but I chose to stay up and watch some TV. I waited around until about eleven o'clock am and started to pack the last few things in my truck. I had a telescope, pool accessories, and my clothes to get in the truck. I left a little before noon. I drove to the store where my mom works now, which is in Newcastle. He is the manager of the Meat Market in that Safeway. We had lunch together, then I left her about one-thirty in the afternoon.
I was cruising along through out the trip, gaining more and more speed as I got more comfortable with the trailer. By the time I was in Whitman County I was doing seventy-five miles per hour with it. I was waiting to see a wreck with all the people who were passing. There is always an accident when there are that many people on the road. But I did not see one. I never seem to see any wrecks.
I got to Colfax, and called Russell and Tom. They were going to help me unpack and then we were going to go over to Tom's to watch Old School. I moved my boat out of the way, and got the U-Haul Trailer in position to unload it easily. I had to go to Pullman to get Russell. So while there I also got a pizza for everyone because they are helping me. We got everything unloaded in about fifteen minutes. Then off to Tom's.
We started by sharing a bottle of wine and chatting for a while. Then we went to his TV room where we watched the movie. It was funny as heck, I was laughing so hard.
I took Russell home after the movie and then got myself back to Colfax and into bed.
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