Bumming around town
I got up this morning and headed into work. I had to get some hours covered from earlier in the week. I went in and got a few things taken care of. I stopped by the fire station to chat for a little bit. Jim was working there, we talked about a ton of subjects. Then I went home packed and headed out for Seattle. Dave was in town so I called him to see if he wanted to get lunch. He said he was going to be busy.
I left town and the trip was moving along pretty quickly. In the area of the pass the cars started to move a lot slower because of the snow. Near the summit we were only doing about thirty mile per hour. Then on the down hill side we went to about ten miles an hour. After a few miles I was able to break free from the big pack and I was able to cruise a lot better.
I got home and hung out for a while. Then I went to Tukwlia police to fill out a ride along form. I then headed to the Lewis and Clark movie theatre. I was going to watch Elf. I had heard that the Theatre and Bowling alley would be torn down in the near future and that the bowling alley was already closed down. I got up there and I was early for the showing so I thought I would go to Funster's Casino and play some cards and get some of the free cards they give away. I got there and it appears that Funster's went out of business.
I headed to the movie theatre and I bought a ticket. I also heard the movies were all cheaper since they would be closing down. That was not true. It was full price. But the bowling alley was closed down. I was the only one in the whole theatre for Elf. After it was over I headed home. I went down the back road.
After I got home I watched a Queer as Folk mini-marathon on Showtime then I went to sleep.
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