I love the 80's
I slept in Monday morning, because I could. It was a holiday. I got up and watched TV for several hours. Mainly watching I Love the Eighties. It is interesting seeing those things that I grew up with. What is so funny are things like the Member's Only jacket. They were so popular and then not popular. But that is how many crazies are.
Following that I went to the IS office and checked my e-mail. I went over to the jail and helped out with a computer problem Mark was having. I told him last night while we were on the phone that I would come in today and fix the problems. He was really stressing out about them. Really all that happened is that he deleted the shortcuts off the desktop and then moves the start menu to the right side of the screen.
After that I went home and I got a call from the Lars Larson show. He put me on the air about Ryan Anderson. I told him mostly the same stuff I had told him on Friday. After his show I called Dan and John to see if they wanted to play cards. They did, so I figured I would head to Pullman. Dan and I were going to meet at six pm to start and John would meet up with us.
On my way to Pullman I stopped by Nolan Heating and Air to see if they were interested in sponsoring the football team. I left them information. Then I got to Pullman and deleted hundreds of SPAM from my inbox. Dan showed up at six pm and we played card. Dan had also brought some pizza from Little Caesar's. I paid him for mine. We played several new poker games that we had not played before.
After a while John showed up and he joined in. We played until about ten o'clock pm. I ended up losing my ass. I was down about five dollars on the night. I committed the cardinal sin of poker. I won the first hand of the night. If you win the first hand of poker you will end up losing for the night. I would also have to say I was playing some stupid hands. I allowed my lack of energy to cause me to play poorly. That is as much of a reason for my loss as winning the first hand.
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